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If they have not sense of humor ????
Someone???❤️DM me if u wanna know?
My fav Indian is ma nigga Seth veeran??❤️??
My friends and family❤️❤️???
Wierd but G?
He likes things?
He paps?
And Mara that boy is inspirational ?
Getting out of primary school ?
He's tall and G???
Much better than last year
Bra why don't u go fuq urself u little sht
I mean that's if u can fit ur fingers in????
Never did?
Turn ma birthday into a lifestyle ???
One of my bae's?❤️?
Eh meeka?????
I wish for...
More wishes???
My friends family and my phone?????
He's a boss A$$ ninja that for sure?????
Not 1
I got fav people ❤️❤️❤️
She should BE GRATEFUL
it's an inside joke ???❤️❤️
Cause he's hella crazy
Can't make conversation with him?
Best fraaaaaand?✊??
Good fam?❤️✊??
My calat for life ne❤️?✊?
They make it look so easy?
Losin friends❤️✊?