Your current bank balance ?
slightest of nothing
What are you tired of?
life and some people
What is good in your life right now?
having fun with friends an having my bike back
What is the most crushing thing anyone has said to you?
some bs about ending of a relationship
What will you be doing in next hour ?
sleeping or updating my pc
What did you last Google ?
how to upgrade my pc software
How do you think the world will end?
when dumb people do stupid things and it all goes down the plug hole
What is your biggest fear?
losing my bestfriend
What's the craziest rumor you've heard about yourself?
only things that my ex an i know
What was the last movie you watched? What'd you think of it?
i don't have a clear memory of it but in all honesty it was great
What were you not prepared for?
dark times
Whats annoying you right now?
people , an life
What was the best compliment you've ever received?
supposedly i'm "cute" ?..
What's the last thing you do before sleeping?
answer phone calls that don't always go well an watch youtube videos
What was your first relationship like?
gotta hand it to her my first proper relationship was perfect even though sometimes it was rough but that's life
Why aren't you famous?
probably because i haven't any talent to share with the world nor was i born in that kind of lifestyle
Which talent you wish you had ?
not sure something good i guess
What's the one moment in your life you wish was recorded?
when a mate of mine pulled off a trick
What do you want more than anything else in the world ,right now ?
to be with someone for eternity
What was the best thing that happened to you today?
Nothing just heartache
When was the last time you got angry and why?
lets not worry about that
What is the best "happiness" that money has bought you?
The thing's i have that i can remember from the work i did to earn money
If you could forget one thing, what would it be?
bad past
What are you terrible at ?
Which song describes your mood today ?
not sure probably , outback club by lee kernaghan
What are you currently worried about ?
A bestfriend and my farther
Who and when was your first kiss ?
Jess, at the library sitting on a bench at school
Where do you want to be living in 10 years?
Dairy farm in country , with someone i love
What was the happiest moment in your life?
being with someone i'm no longer with
How would your friends describe you?
What are you passionate about?
When was the last time you did something for the first time? What was it?
don't remember
What are you trying to prove to yourself?
that i can be better
How many kids would you like to have ?
What does success mean to you?
being happy cause I accomplished things that are important
Why are you special ???
cause not many other people would do the thing's i do
If you were to die and come back as a person or thing, what do you think it would be?
person wise maybe more kind , and thing well that's alot left to be desired but perhaps a tiger or something like that
Who do you look up to and why ?
those who are role models an the people i love an care for
What cheers you up ?
not really anything
Describe your life in 3 words
alright, cr#p , stressful
What is the greatest thing about being single ?
sometimes its the freedom other times it s*cks
What's missing in your life ?
Rate yourself out of 10
Which song do you think you repeated the most ?
that kind of night - the wolfe brothers
What type of people bore you ?
some types but can't be bothered answering it
How do you deal with a break up ?
sameway as you would most likely deal with it if it happened
Are you a selfish person ?
I guess only sometimes or when i'm pushed to be like that
Which movie s*cked for you this year ?
What is the longest you have gone without taking a bath?
Who was the last person to break your heart ?
no names to be mentioned
What was your dream yesterday?
A friend you once had a crush on ?
don't really wanna say plus i'm happy an don't need to worry about it
Money or Loyalty ?
What do you spend your money on the most ?
Nothing cause i don't have any silly :P
How do you deal with failure?
Look the problem directly in the eye and face the consequences an deal with it to make sure it doesn't happen again but it also depends what it is meant by this
What is your nickname ?
Buda , mick ,mike, coombsy,coombes , buds, wildboy , rabit
If there were no restrictions, no laws, no limits to what you could possibly do for a whole 24hrs, what would you do and why?
go for a casual cruise and run anywhere that seemed like it would lead to a nice place or adventure
When was the last time you cried and why ?
reasons that are best hidden
What has wasted your time the most this year ?
choices i've made which don't need to be answered
Lamborghini or Ferrari?
ferrari enzo or 458 spyder
Where might that "bull****" sign be again? Ask.Tianna
right across my left muscle on my left arm :P
What is your biggest success up until now?
i dunno probably not getting in mischief......
Who would you want with you if you were stranded on a deserted island?
none because I wouldn't want anyone to suffer all the pain an madness , an not knowing if their next step will be death or will they be saved which is doubtably possible at the sametime possible is someone was in the area to see you their but most likely they wont
The best song in 2014 for you ?
honestly don't have a clue
Who would you take a bullet for?
my girlfriend,family an friends :)
What is attractive about you?
tbh i think nothing , but apparently according to people its my butt ,eyes , having straight teeth an a nice nature...?
Have you ever farted in public?
Your next smartphone?
one touch pixi
Who do you think is dying next on Game of thrones?
honestly I wouldn't have a clue
How was your first kiss like ?
Who do you miss right now?
my pa in heaven , an a few people
What is your favorite piece of clothing?
dunno probably , hoodies , jackets , pants ,shorts or singlets
What bores you about people ?
how pathetic they can be
Your source of happiness?
friends family music games working on machines
How much is enough money for you?
to me honestly money means nothing ,it's just nothing but paper or peaces of light metal people use to buy things
The greatest moment in your life ?
i'm not sure sorry
Who makes you happy?
i'm sure whoever you are would like to know that but that is something i choose not to explain nor on this site i apologise for the incomvinience
What do you think about the most?
well that is a good question i guess in general i think or wish is that my farther would get better. I also wish i had a very good job that i could keep and i had a girlfriend an that we can share our love for one another an express our feelings.
Who is your crush? Dont be shy
thats one of many personal questions i do not wish to answer on a chatting site where everyone can see or speak there mind wether its good or bad
Something you will never be good at?
school , certain jobs in life and things in life it'self
A song they should play at your funeral?
good question but never thought about it
What is the one thing you think people hate about you?
myself in general
How much is currently in your bank account?
thats for me to know and you not to find out
What is the best way to approach a girl you like?
just be yourself an get to know her better and if things work out for each other maybe tell each other how you feel about one another