Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
I actually never have!! Just like with no pants on and a big top/jumper
I love him! He is such a good friend
I don't even know if I remember him or know him!! Sozzy
I dunno
Yeah DC
Wouldn't know
You are disgusting omfg
These t*** are for my boy and him only!
He is a cool human being
He hit my main man today which wasn't cool!! I love Danny boy :(
I don't know who you are so I can't answer that doll face!
Virgin 4 life
I don't even know man!
You're a good kid
Who is this?
Welllllllll she got ticked off at me because I hung out with my boyfriend more than her but it was pretty hard to see her as she doesn't live in sunbury so I can't just catch a bus to hers and also I saw my boyfriend more because he goes to school with me and it just seemed easier and it happened during the week I was working with work experience when we had this fight so I hardly even saw anyone, but I was staying at my boyfriends house and I told my mum I was staying at hers and she got angry at my for using her as an excuse and then all this shi* happened and yeah. Now I am the lonely wolf. Kayla says I picked him over her but I really didn't and I apparently replaced her with him but she knows no one could ever replace her and I've said sorry and she sort of accepted and now we are just sivle I guess. Not friends, but not enemies. THE END.
pls go..
None of your business
No thank you..
Ta mate
What's the matter with that D:
Aw thank you so much you're a gem
I guess so!
You're the freshest
Nah bro we deffs will
I love you too! YESSS WOO PARTY
<3 <3
i dont
Cutest kid! I miss him so much :(
Hahha omg no dont
No I'm sorry.
I don't really know people from Gizzy Secondry.. I know like two people, Dante and Ben.
Probably not.
Hhaha yes.
No, this is just silly. How in the world am I meant to afford a boo* job?
She annoys me. She takes far to long to answer questions.
That is swell
se* is se*. It’s natural. The choice is entirely yours.
nYou are not a slu*/***** because you choose to engage in se*/se*ual activity. You are not a prude or a frigid Bit** or unmanly if you don’t. It’s your body therefore it’s your decision. If it’s consensual and nothing illegal is taking place, it is not your business to judge others.
se*y as ;)
I am 14, but 15 in February
I am 14, but 15 in February
Hanging out with Kayla my only pal
Mmmm u r lucky
Indeed I have
I have no idea?!