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67 Replies

You say you don't have A best guy friend, I wonder what I've been this whole time..

Probably some guy ive talked to for two weeks, you cant just become my best friend over night okay? Plus give it one more week you will be bored and find somone else,

Rachhhy replied 3211 days ago

Best guys in class/year level?

None, not close with any ?

Rachhhy replied 3217 days ago

But this ones different. He's a kool kat. You should probably know who this is by now

I think i knoww

Rachhhy replied 3220 days ago

But isn't there one that said they wouldn't stop talking to you?

Alot of people say that, but no one has proved it

Rachhhy replied 3220 days ago

Best guy friends in year 10

Idk most stop talking to me after a while

Rachhhy replied 3220 days ago

Who's your best guy friend?

I dont have one

Rachhhy replied 3220 days ago

How old are you

Im 16

Rachhhy replied 3220 days ago

P6: here's a hint of who it is you call me **** and put the finger up at me every time you walk past me ;) and we share a class together haha but Live you pooface

I love you tay, this made my night, I really appreciate this xx

Rachhhy replied 3220 days ago

P5: I'm proud to call you my friend. Thank you for always being their for me and I'll always be here for you x I love you to bits girly and even if you don't know who this is, I hope I somewhat make you realize that you're important to everyone ♥

I love you <3 im always here xx

Rachhhy replied 3220 days ago

P4: Don't let someone who doesn't know you for a second take over your life x because You deserve only the best because Rachel. You are the most important, astonishing beautiful girl who has their whole life ahead of them x


Rachhhy replied 3220 days ago

P3: You can make things in life and I know you can. You don't need people to set out your life because you have a voice and you are strong willed and you are able to choose your own life!


Rachhhy replied 3220 days ago

P2: I find it purely amazing about your notability to put aside your differences with others and even if you dislike them you'd help them. You need to realize you're so beautiful and amazing. That you're so smart and capable of doing things in life

Clearly you are an amazing friend of mine if you understand me this well <3

Rachhhy replied 3220 days ago

Part 1: You don't see the good things you do in life. You help so many people and it's incredible how you put aside your problems and help others who need it. You're so incredible.

This honestly means so much.

Rachhhy replied 3220 days ago

What do you want most out of life?

To do something different with it.

Rachhhy replied 3220 days ago

honestly I love you and want to marry you

Alright lets do it

Rachhhy replied 3220 days ago