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I'm not sure what they think of me, what do you think of me
Thank you , who ever this is :/
Blue / purple
Oh gosh uhm :/ I think like 8 times a day or so, I have to go through it to get to the granny flat. :/ I use it probably 5 times a day
Not sure , uh random people touching my b*m :/
Don\'t know who this is :) <3 but I love you too :)
She is me friend :)
A sword , a bazooka and big gun :/ I don\'t know many weapons
There's no amount in how much you should love the lord
Uhm yes i enjoy the weather
Yes Bianca bites really hard :/ ...haha look whos all vain
I'd call gharade :P to attack and scare off the shark
I already have chosen, why would tyler be perfect we know nothing about each other, Dayle and I have known each other for 3/4 years now and he does make me happy. Dayle would be marriage material for me. Tyler can find better
Dude :o I love you both equally :/
No I wouldn't leave him for his past its his past he's changed!! I have thought of it but why leave him for the few bad things he's done in the past when he's done so many more good things to prove he's changed :) no I don't judge
Who's Bianca Williamson ? :/ , *JoKeS* yes I love that crazy child Xxo
Haha ahh rip =D.. Impersonator :/
No I wouldn't leave him for some1 else I'm happy with him, and there isn't another guy that can make me as happy (y)
Haha cake ! Your not meant to give ur name :/
LOVE YOU TOO b*mMY... Yes lol your are theeee ALIEN!!!!
Yes he is a real alien!! :O like he\'s going to s*ck my brain and do alien stuff:/
No:| not allowed he knows he is becoming a munk so he is not aloud to even think about that :|
Siya Smith :P , or Bianca Williamson B-)
Sinead Gallery
I don't really know
No one (y)
Random, outgoing, crazy