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Finesse me with questions.

259 Replies

Shakira or Manchester City?

Manchester City?

Raffikee replied 2398 days ago 1

Lethu or Iyesha


Raffikee replied 2400 days ago 1

Are you easy to approach?

Yes I am.

Raffikee replied 2401 days ago

I think your so cute ?.

Thank you??

Raffikee replied 2402 days ago

What's your star sign?


Raffikee replied 2403 days ago

What did your last relationship teach you?

Pickles are actually cucumbers ?

Raffikee replied 2403 days ago

What's your favourite colour?


Raffikee replied 2411 days ago 1

Roses are red, violets are blue
(Actually, violets are frigging VIOLET, but just, whatever)
Roses are red, violets are blue
Faces like yours belong in the zoo
Don't be angry, I'll be there too
Not in the cages, but laughing at you!

This is actually $exy??

Raffikee replied 2415 days ago

So what's with you miggles and savage?

They'remy little sisters.??

Raffikee replied 2415 days ago 2

Close friends atm?

All of them.

Raffikee replied 2415 days ago 1

Who is your instagram crush?


Raffikee replied 2415 days ago

does Oldrin have a girl?? i want him

I dunno, ask him and find out. ??

Raffikee replied 2416 days ago

Does your instagram crush follow you back?


Raffikee replied 2416 days ago

Why the name Raffikee?

I got the sawwce like him.

Raffikee replied 2421 days ago

I've always wanted to dm you or like talk to you but i never seem to have the guts to do so.

Speak to me?

Raffikee replied 2422 days ago