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Personality. Good body. Someone who has somewaht same interests as me.
What's a mum?
Dunno. Hope so
iPhone, so I can throw it at an android. Moral of the story: They're both douches.
Aw shi* yeah.
Well it was a sunny day. And I looked around and saw 2 flys doing things...
Nah. Donkey. Random donkey.
What in gods name are you on about boii
I am of Male gender. therefore I cannot be a Lesbian. You are incorrect.
haha, the suspense is killing you all.
Tell me yours and I'll tell you mine.
Dora the Explorer: MA15+ edition.
You first. and I will tell you mine.
Says the Anonymous. just tell me ya name. and I'll tell you mine. easy.
Nah, who's this?
Cheers mate. ever heard of a mental asylum, you need to visit one.
Who knows Kirilly
I dislike brussel sprouts
Alf Stewart, Alf Stewart, and Alf Stewart.
You tell me who you are first eh?
Sure why not