How did your "crazy ex" become your "crazy ex"?
I don't have a crazy ex
Well you're no fun then
How many carrots can you fit up your nose?
None, and I'm never going to try
Why'd you photoshop your eyeliner on in your other account's dp? ?
I don't have any photos of me on my other account
Cup size
The biggest cup size I have in my house is about 500 ml
How old were you when you lost ur v's ?
It's not a secret, it was last year
Thanks for putting my rubber duck in your bra
You are welcome, it's only a few privileged get
What could you talk about forever?
My closest friends, and how much I love them
Prettiest girls in your level? Name 5
I don't remember most of there names
You're beautiful and I love you
Thank you
How do you want to end 2014 ?
Surrounded by my friends, and tea
What does your perfect day look like?
One hanging out with my friends with tea
Your a weirdo, but i love you! #squad represent
Love you too Jeff? #squadforlyfe
What turns you off ?
People who think everything's all about them and abusers
What do you do when you angry?
I either, snap at people or just completely shut everyone out
you're beautiful
Aww thank you anon, loved to know who I'm thanking though
Who inspires you?
My friends
Why do you love Anne so much
Because she likes my cookies
Which friend would you take a bullet for?
All of the people that I consider a friend
Whats with that guy you sit near on the bus?
I sit near more than one guy, which one do you mean?
are you happy?
Why wouldn't I be?
What is success to you?
s*cking ****
What have you learned today?
A lie you told today?
I'm fine.
Two Things that you would like to improve about yourself?
My appearance and my anxieties.
Best advice you received about relationships?
I haven't received any kinds of relationship advice.
What happens when we die?
I don't know