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Ask me anything you like anonymously

12 Replies

What is the worst text that you accidentally sent to the wrong person?

Ah. Well, it wasn't the wrong person, but autocorrect did its evil doing. I was texting one of my friends, saying that my brother learned how to fabricate a chicken in his culinary class, but it autocorrected to fornicate. I was super embarrassed and I started to cry a little.

Rantaroisdaddy replied 2535 days ago

What do you prefer? Villain Deku or normal Deku? Jojosgaybae

Mmmm.... I love them both, but villain Deku is an amazing concept to me. I'm actually gonna make some comics based off of minor song covers for a villain Deku AU. My art isn't the best, but I'll have fun and that's all that counts.

Rantaroisdaddy replied 2536 days ago

Have you ever had taiyaki Jojosgaybae

Yes! I really enjoy it!

Rantaroisdaddy replied 2536 days ago

Extra thicc s*cky s*ck Jojosgaybae


Rantaroisdaddy replied 2536 days ago 1

What JoJo from JJBA would you f**k Jojosgaybae

...all of them. One giant gang bang.

Rantaroisdaddy replied 2536 days ago 1

Rero rero? Jojosgaybae

Rero rero rero rero

Rantaroisdaddy replied 2536 days ago 1

How would you confess to a crush?

Well, I'd take Time to prepare for it. Confessing your love for someone is a lot harder than it sounds. I'd usually write an anonymous love letter addressed to the person I like and ask them to meet me somewhere. When they show up, I'd confess. The easiest way to tell someone you love them is to take time to think about it, and do it your way.

Rantaroisdaddy replied 2538 days ago

A musician you hate ?

I don't really hate any musician. I'm open to all sorts of music.

Rantaroisdaddy replied 2538 days ago

What do u like doing more by yourself?

Read Doujins.

Rantaroisdaddy replied 2538 days ago

That's one saucy fellow Jojosgaybae

Mmm, yes, quite saucy indeed. *i have no idea what we're talking about but I answered anyways.*

Rantaroisdaddy replied 2538 days ago 1

What are you afraid of ?

Needles... and spiders.... and being stared at... literally anything social.

Rantaroisdaddy replied 2538 days ago

Succy succy slurpy slurp that thiccie avocado

* intensely slurps his necky-wecky *

Rantaroisdaddy replied 2538 days ago 1