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Me :)
Not all of it but i would probably dye the tips of my hair some unnatural colour
1: Humor 2: Loyalty 3: Looks (I can't lie that it doesn't hurt to be attractive)
Maaaayyyybbbeeee :$
I feel like there is suppose to be a specific answer but i dont know who you are and the only bear related inside joke i have is calling my bestie braden brother bear.
Delilah or Roselle
3 and 8
Hello person who is anonymous. I'm curious about who you are.
Im doing alright. Theature just ended and school's going fine. Nervous for high school but thats normal.
- Sarah Leget (you)
- Jarrod Winters
- Sam Palen
- Callie Anstee
- Angela Genore
- Sylvia Brown (Hair is black now)
- Laurel Lanaway
- Jennea Smith
- Kaitlyn Gee
- Maddy Ristimaki
- i think thats it...
Yup. Sure. Go ahead.
It's really good. Im gonna miss it next year. All the kids in my clas* are awesome and we get to do alot of cool things. Plus we have a pretty wacky teacher. XD
you of course!
I guess i've been told that but mainly by Grandparents. Thank you!
Hey so did I! XD
Nah It gives me something to do
In total... 17 XD
- Queen
- Taylor Swift
- hmmmm Three days Grace?
Of course! :D
Yea. Its a unique nickname.
I'm used to being called gingy so go ahead.
Aww thanks :) Right back at ya!
We totally should!! :) Imbox me sometime my fellow ginger :D
.. -_- Not amused. :P Emerald green