What does RBSAK mean?
If you don’t know your not meant tooo
Would you fck wade?
Virgin till marriage
Hi! I really like you but you can't like me ?
What will your child's name be ?
What or who , do you think about the most ?
meant when I see ya around school silly!!
Ahahha whAt school i Think you've loSt it
Have you been s*xually abused?
No wtf ahahah
What have you overcome?
Life tbh
What makes you instantly hate someone?
You've been looking damn fine around school
I don't go to schoolll
But ily
What makes you happy to be alive?
My presents to peasants
Why are you ignoring the person you're ignoring right now?
He don't want to succeed
Let's smoke a fat mix and fck???
No thx babe
Is it in your family to be naturally that thin? Or is it a disorder?
Yeahh spot on.
No disorder just lucky!
What happened to you
A miracle what else hahaha ?
Do any sports?
Yeah babe, netball!
Would root ya tbh
How illiterate can you bee
I'd like to know how to stay so fit and small. I'd kill to have a stomach like yours
Go for daily runs or join a sports team, or if you own a pet or even have a boyfriend out it on a leash,
It's all about what you do once it digests
Tell us your story.
Dip me in chocolate and call me dessert.
Keep the disintegrating people out love
Yes, finally Someone who's about it
Do you have any girl best friends?
I have close mates but no bestfriend.
Pretty sad tbhhh
I'm not that bad of a person you just won't give me the chance to say hey to you.
Clearly you haven't tried?
Did he fcken hit you?
More than once ?
Can you like seriously find someone else to froth too
Be honest, have you ever done meth?
-No judging, just a question-
If you knew me I wouldn't have to answer this.
What did zack do to you? Be straightup.
Breacher wouldn't want to be ya
I seen you at flinders, looking heaps better girl.
Thanks sweetie, feeling it
Inbox me x
Your doing so well, keep it up!
Aw thankyou!
Do you miss Zack?
How could i?
You are almost too skinny. Are you okay?
Clearly you dont know me.
Question is are you okay?
How big are your boo*s?
Off the raider
Would you ever go to a nudist beach
I've already been to one
You Wanna chat On whatsapp
That sounds rhythmic
You got thinking different now ?
Message me?
I know exactly who this is ?
Potential bae?
I'm all about it ?
proud of you x
Thanks b x
you're such a rat
Why say it on anonymous then?
why did you get expelled?
Pointless ****.
do you goto school now?
Yeah bruahh
why did you leave pcw? what are you doing now?
Got expelled ages ago,
**** all
thoughts on barbara?
Who would you take a bullet for?
Brother, boyfriend
**** salt, pepper is so much better.
Why dont you come caulfield? Is it cause jordan hahahahaha wtf
Noooo wtf I have more important **** too do
you and zack r cute asss
cheers bbi
Would you rather trade some intelligence for looks or looks for intelligence?
dont have either so wouldnt bother me xx
I love you
I love you too.
What's your Instagram ?
C a s s b a a
No spaces.
would you ever date me again?
never dated someone called anonymous..
whoever you are, your an ex for a reason buddy.
That's the one, stupid censor ship
no i do not.
Do you have a p****
Random but it's better than every other question
p e n i s?
wow, Zack actually loves you..
never thought i would live to see the day :O
should feel lucky girl
you have no idea how lucky i am to have him.
zacks cares about you more then he has any other girl don't listen to the bull****. katiiiee
no ****, thanks pretty xx
Why don't u inbox me
why dont u inbox me?
If you could ask your future self one question what would it be?
sausage roll?
Pretty gal
Aw you think so?
your a big show off
What the **** that supposed to mean hahah
People should learn to shut there mouths, you probably don't even know this girl, so **** up.
Thanks bby xx
Hottest guy in caulfy?
Hey I want your number because you look like a ****ing angel! Your so pretty girl
Thanks but no thanks xx
What do you think people think of you?
Couldn't care less.
Perfect bodyyyy
Thxxx bbb
u open ur legs soo easy
Hahah no I don't :')
Thoughts on keyna?
**** :')
miss anyone from south oakz
**** no
Thoughts on bekah stevens ?
That girl helped me heaps,
We've had our ups and downs but she's good to kb with ;)
your a babe and i will always love you, yours kyle
Inbox meeee x
Who knows you better than your parents?
My brother.
What the **** broo?WOOT up my as* <3 xxo
No you look like a ****ing gronk.
Can I ask what's funny, I wanna laugh too :(
****s have to ask on anon for a root.
****ing gronks, **** off and stop sending my misses this ****.
dogs. zack.bentley
I love you,
Reasons for being a **** wit?
Can't help it soz baby xxx
Ur hot as, chuck us a root.
Ill chuck you a knife to slit your throat you rude ****.
Why'd you leave cranny east?
Because I was living with my father and now I live with my mother if it really ****ing matters,
Name all the girls you used to hang out with at pcw from begging of yr 7 and the end until you left
Year seven; Barbara Matilda and all those girls,
Year eight; the same
And yeah,
Miss some of the girls,
Name all the girls you hated at pcw?
How old were you when you first had *ex and who was your first?
Inbox me
**** ya self
Would if I could.
I love you so much beautiful! <3
you mean everything to me! <3
my perfect las. <3 :* zack.bentley
I love you boo, ❤❤
The first thing you think of after you wake up ?
We used to be pretty damn close but **** went down. I'm sorry about that, I just hope your really happy now and yeee, seeya round, :)
I love you bubbah xx
I'm sorry
Lol who are you?
Inbox me
When you had *ex were you naked and did the **** go inside your v*****?
Can you be anymore ****ed in the head ?
Your not a virgin obvs did you do doggy style?
Thoughts on
Alex: nicest kid out funny as good to kb with
Shanelle: nicest girl out, pretty as and good to kb with
Irreeeeemmmm: good to kb with pretty as funny as
im sure your mum and brother are proud of you... SLAPPA
They tell me everyday that they are :'))
Lets ****?
We can keep it a secret so your bf don't find out
No you can **** off thank you.