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390 Replies

Hoekom die mense jeh jou?

My bra , hoes mad .

Realcolemami replied 1950 days ago

Why do you only hang out with boys at break?

Lol , I don't see why it concerns you .

Realcolemami replied 1950 days ago

Hkm isjule nhii mea besties nhii??
jy en Fantacia

Long story short . Some people are meant to find each other but not meant to be . There’s different reasons why we’re not friends anymore . All I’m gonna say is “Time will tell who’s loss it really was”.??‍♀️

Realcolemami replied 2213 days ago


@fxntaciia as jy dalk haar insta naam soek . Versed as daai weet ek nie wat jy van my af soek nie .??‍♀️

Realcolemami replied 2215 days ago

Ashante Isaacs?

My Queen .❤️?

Realcolemami replied 2227 days ago

Dit gaan mos lekker met jy Max en Surami??

Met My,Maxwell en Suramie gaan dit heel oraait dankie?✨. Moet nie laat ons existence jou pla nie,toe man???

Realcolemami replied 2346 days ago

Can you please follow, comment and like my recent please I'd really appreciate it ???@kam_spirxcy_xx

Enige tyd.?❤️?

Realcolemami replied 2346 days ago

??lol what was the story/situation on the trip?

Veldskool man. Aus het niemand goed gedoen nie hoor.?

Realcolemami replied 2346 days ago

15 answer now


Realcolemami replied 2346 days ago

How about you date a guy from khp, because this other guy from other towns are time wasting ?

Nee man. Julle ouens kan ek geheel en al nie vertrou nie.??En ekt klaar n oogie op iemand in n ander plek so los my laat ek my tyd mors toe man??Dis my tyd nie ons tyd nie.??

Realcolemami replied 2346 days ago

Have you ever been on a trip where everyone drank heaps on the bus ride, and when you stopped/arrived there were no bathrooms?

Unfortunately yes.???

Realcolemami replied 2346 days ago

Hello there you pretty lil thanggg?? typical.anna

Hey Boooo.???

Realcolemami replied 2346 days ago 1

Hoe is gymnasium?

Baie lekker.❤️Dankie.?

Realcolemami replied 2346 days ago

Give us an room tour? Jy bly mos ini hostel

Who’s us? En jammer maar ek kan ongelukkig nie.??

Realcolemami replied 2346 days ago

Wanneer laas het ek en jy n leqqur conversation gehad ?Ek miss jou vreeslik. Wnnr komj af? Is alles fine??. What happened ?jys ooki wee online ni(App).
Don't mind all the questions. I just fcking miss your A$$??
My LifeLine?? nickweezy_17

Ons sal soon as ek weer n selfoon kry??Ek gaan die naweek af maar dinki ek sal met enige iemand kan kuieri.??Ek heel oraait baba??I MISS YOU ALOT MORE!??❤️MYLEWENSLYN.❤️??

Realcolemami replied 2346 days ago 1