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Rebecca Kershaw


Love me or hate me, you're still on my page. xoxo

493 Replies

What was the last thing that got stolen from you?

Money aha dogs.

Rebecca4Kershaw replied 3405 days ago

Why are you special ???

Bc my mum said so xoxo

Rebecca4Kershaw replied 3433 days ago

Okay I'll inbox you then haha, but I'm probably nothing like you imagine me to be?

I've only just seen this, I'll have to check my inbox

Rebecca4Kershaw replied 3435 days ago

If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?

Would it really matter what piece of advice? It's a newborn child.

Rebecca4Kershaw replied 3435 days ago

Battery percentage on your phone?


Rebecca4Kershaw replied 3439 days ago

Does your boyfriend have a job ? Or a home ?

We getting a house/apartment together.

Rebecca4Kershaw replied 3440 days ago

I'm the person that keeps asking you how you are and the one that said we should be friends haha?

Yes but it would be nice to know who you actually are haha

Rebecca4Kershaw replied 3440 days ago

Who are you seeing? He is a lucky guy!

Troy Elliot, and I'm the lucky one.

Rebecca4Kershaw replied 3440 days ago

How are you so gorgeous?? Like I hate you for it!

Don't be silly! Everyone is gorgeous in their own way

Rebecca4Kershaw replied 3440 days ago

You'll never please everyone, do what you want to do and be who you want to be because plenty of people (myself included) think you are beautiful inside and out!

Thank you!

Rebecca4Kershaw replied 3440 days ago

Rebecca are you okay? I keep asking because I know that things are hard for you. I'm so sorry that you have to live in a car, I admire your resilience? I'm happy to inbox you if you need someone to talk to.

I'm doing better than I could be, some days are better and some are worse. Don't apologise, things happen. But I'll get through it. I may be getting an apartment in November :) and thank you! But I don't know who this is!

Rebecca4Kershaw replied 3440 days ago

You're pretty as, can you teach me how

Everyone is pretty! Including you.

Rebecca4Kershaw replied 3440 days ago

Im confused

Whats your surname

Last name I was given legally was Kershaw

Rebecca4Kershaw replied 3440 days ago

U sah sxc bby.
Can u help mi find morry Jessica.McFarland


Rebecca4Kershaw replied 3440 days ago 1

They will if you marry me beautiful, wont have to work a day in your life

Sorry but my heart is taken

Rebecca4Kershaw replied 3440 days ago