What year were you born
Go out with me ?!?
Nope sorry
Hookups hookups hookups
No thanks
Please just hook-up with Michael. Your leaving it for so long!!!!!!!!!!
Be good to my boi matty ?
Ok ?
Ew- meeke ?
btch your face is ew so if I was you I'd shut the fck up
A lot of women near you want $ex! Make sure yourself - sign up here http://tinyurl.com/jpm985f Miriam1982f
btch, go sign yourself up ????
I was told to ask you if Michael and you are still gonna hook up.or you and brad.. at lichi.
?? ?
You're so $exy. Wow.
Would. You date a guy if her wasn't so handsome but had a very large c*ck. Is a big one off putting or ugly in your opinion?
Your off putting by just saying that ???
Girl you should sell hotdogs because you sure know how to make a wiener stand ?
And you know how to make people feel disgusted ??
You hooking up with Michael ?
Brad Dix ?
A guy I met at lichi
James or Michael. Choose !
B.O.O.B.S of fleek! ?
Ok ?
Michael doesn't stop talking about you ?
K x
I see you and nay are quite close ?
Ya what's so bad about that ?
I'll be the peanut to your butter ?
You and Dom Primi ?
Just friends
B*tch, you blind ?
B*tch, you bored ??
Go out with me ?
I'm fine ay
When is your birfday?
26 March x
Who are your bests?
All my friends x
Describe your life in 3 words
Why should people love you ?
Why should people hate me
Name ALL of your best friends, in no particular order
Your one of them
What nickname are you preferred to be called? Becca, Becky, Becs, Rebecca, Rebecs?
Would you go out with a grade 10
I don't know ? Why and who you recommending to ??
I'm not actually
You sure?
You are a selfish person!! Don't lie
Your a sh_t head and all that f_ck.
Thank you - now come say it to my face
Ok fine just name 10 of your "closest " friends (meaning the ones you hang out with the most) ❤️
This is other Emma, Simone of Tara ☺️ - never ( there is a lot ! )
Name 10 of your favorite friends at Ashton?
It's hard. Because there's a lot of ( true ) friends x
Would you ever date a grade 8?
Depends on his personality
Which movie s*cked for you this year ?
Annabelle - s*it that movies scary
What Mood Are You in Right Now?
Stressed ...
Money or Loyalty ?
Who would you take a bullet for ?
Anyone, really