Rebekah wyatt
Would you take a bullet for a friend even if it kills you?
Yes depending on who it was
Then why did you say it was tanning stuff? eyeliner is probably what they are talking about
Step back
Eyeliner isn't tanning stuff
No ****
Not trying to be rude.. But you need to cut back on the makeup sweetheart, you're a lovely girl and you don't need to hide behind all that because you're beautiful with out it xxxx
Its not make up its tanning s***
myra eats nutella with her toe nails
Shot myra(:
ðŸšWould you like some fried rice???🇯🇵
Im alright thanks
If you don't reply in the next 5 minutes your flight✈ will be cancelled and there will be no sushiðŸ±and fried rice ðŸšfor you!!!
✈ Come fly away with me;)
Im alg ae
Hello I'm Indian 👳
Free flight!!! To this amazing country 🇨🇳 pleas join me for fried rice and sushi!!! ðŸ±
Dont like sushi soz
Why do you keep posting your link, your just setting your self up for hate 🙅
No im not ?
f*** your annoying! Stop being a follower you think you f***ing cool but your actually not lol go away!
Wat m8
Thoughts on Eva?
Shes really nice and so pretty(: x
You're really nice, I miss not hanging out with you anymore :// pretty sure you hate me actually...
Aww message me and we could organise to hang out
Why it won't change anything.
I am pretty sure i know who this lol
Your starting to be such a Bit**
Message me how i am??
No it was Laura haha (:
Oh haha(:
Hi it's Daisha I have a bad farting infection plz help ? xx
Haha i actually think this is sophie(:
Your so pretty
Aww thanx (: xox
Hi it's Daisha Daisha Peneamene
Oh heyy(: xo
Your never gonna get f***ed
Your gonna get a hiding one day(:
Sophie Sophie sophie
Hey hey hey(:
Your ncie
Aw thanx im sure you are to
What happened between you and IMO?
Well to be honest i dont really know:)
Your new dp is reeeeally ugly..
Fine i will change it....
Daisha likes it up the b*m and this isn't Sophie
Haha yup im pretty sure it is ae
Who do you like? :) just say no one will judge x
Well im actually not really sure haha i used to like someone last term but idk anymore haha
Sophie likes v*****s
Do you know that Daisha eats her toe nails ? Ew
I've never told you this before but I have a major crush on youâ¤
Aww cutee message me
Heeeeey wot duin bebe xox
Not much ya self? XoX
Daisha farted
Thanx for the info haha
*sophie farted cos she's gay
Thanx for the update haha
Has anybody ever told you that you're a bit obsessive?? No offense it just gets really annoying
aGEHRJETKR,UTSM NbdZSBHZ,Djmrym hnam ynantdm stynmadmsymdjnmfna
Hey hbdhvhdjs ndncdhsbb
Heii i lyk u, wana go owt? xoxoxxoxooxoxoxoxooxoxxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
nd dont jst say message me on fb . kay xox
Hey ahh ????
hae gurl who u be likin thse daez?
Not really sure ae yaself? (:
Your actually really pretty
Far from it mate all u anon (;
Will u kiss me the next time we hang out?;) x
Uhh message me on fb(: x
hae xox
Hey xx (: message me on fb
But it's not even entertainment aye
Yea it is sometimes (:
U sahh hawt xxxxxx
Aww thanx but thats all you anon ;)
hae u sxc
Aww cutee(: message me on fb
How would you describe yourself ?
I dont just a normal person really
How far have you gone with a guy?
Umm not to far
Whats the point in having one of these If you don't even answer any body's questions properly.
Just for the entertainment
You probably still like him
Um no wayy !!!! Pm me on fb annon(:
Cause why ???
Cause i liked him
Go die in a hole
What did i ever do to u message me on fb if ur nt affraid to
Who do you hang out with at school???
People why??
Who do you like ???
Someone (:
Why dodo you go out with chris??? Ewe
Your a Bit**
Im sure you r
Who are you dating and why?
Im not dating anyone