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Hmm... Well actually I'm not mad at all about that... Why would I be mad about that??
Okay... May I ask u why you are telling me this???
We are really god friends... I don't flirt with her at all. Give me an example please??
Hmmmmmm... How do I flirt with other girls... Please give me one example kind person.... Like no one in this school know what flirting is, Like I can't even talk to a girl without someone saying that-.-
Ahahahah hey Leeeetttthhhhiiiisssss
Yaaaaaawwww Omnya ✌️
She's realy nice and funny and she does the hand thingy... And I initate it perfectly... Whoever sees this prob doesn't even know what the hell I'm saying :")
Okay that's your stupid opinion... The only reason u would say that is if u were mad that we have a thing soooo who are u???
You're really funny and really nice...
Nothing BOIZ... I'm to beast
Lol I know... He's marko lol
Okay I guess she does:(
Why would I be jealous when Leila likes me??
Nothing... What do u think I would do... I don't really care if Marko likes her lol like he can like who ever he want..
Okay burning just thought that cuz u were saying that exact thing at school that day soooo... Sorry
Honestly idrc if u thing I do or not... Irma this is u isn't it
Just freaking stop
Hilarious, beast, sick.... YEEEAAA BOIZ
Oh lol
Who are you
???? What Idek what u said there
Thank u aha
Soooo... Why would I tell her that when I do like her a lot... Man you're really annoying... Stop sticking your nose in other people's business please, and thank you!!
No she isn't... U r... Just stop being jerk cuz no one is on your side right now... Everyone doesn't like whoever you r... I suggest u just shut up plz...
No problem Omnya any time :)
No but Omnya is a good person and ur just a **** so shut up now... Why don't u show who u r... Cuz I think I know exactly who u r and ur pathetic okay so just stop taking cuz your making yourself sound more stupid then u probably are...(drop the mic and leave)
Who the hell r u... No she doesn't... U deserve it cuz ur just being mean to someone that did nothing to u... Hold up and u say that u and Arjun are gonna be good.. Well whoever u r I guarenty Arjun doesn't like u at all so u need to stop talking... Don't hide behind ur keyboard saying mean cramp to people that don't deserve it... JUST STOP!!!
School, definitely school!!
Idk y do u care
Perfection!!! She's athletic smart nice and soooooo freaking bueatiful... She always finds a way to make me smile and that's what I like about her the most... Again she is just peeeerfect<3
Lamborghini is my fav car❤️❤️
Well sorry I guess but Idk just don't on here but I do just to her soooooo it doesn't really matter.
Okay... Idrc and I don't think Marko does either so why don't u just stfu
K woooooow there... Me and her just started to have a thing like a month ago... We're only in grade 8
Cuz so many people send him mean crap so he just doesn't response to anything now
Idk nice. Someone who can make me happy... Athletic... Man idk
Me and LEILA <3 and Sawmo and Reem
Who is this... No she's not
What r u even talking about she liked Marko for like 2 years... Explain how that is quick????
Wtf I'm not answering this
Yes yes I know
Um sure
What the hell r u talking boit
Is there Even any couples at westmount rn
Idk.... Am I?
LEILA Reem sarah
No me and u would throw up all the money that we will have after we become doctors together and have lamborginis
Get all my money that I have... Throw it up in the air... And do the bobby shmurda as it rains down on meh
No not really
I don't think so LOL I think she would have told me
When people think they know what there talking about but they r really wrong -.-
Well yea I would but like Arjun is my best friend too sooooo... Like holy crap it doesn't even matter like whoever this is your overreacting like dang man
Oh well then I'm very sorry like dang I just said one person like holy crap
Well it said one person so yea... What's wrong with that??
Arjun!!!!!!! Yea BOIZ
Um ur really nice and funny... Idk we don't really talk much.. I think ur pretty smart. Idk
Very very pretty ;)
She's really freaking funny... She's nice... And yea she's pretty
Good job
Entertaining... Very LOL
Ace ftw
Hot chocolate ftw!!!
Idk compliment her
Idk prob fall CUZ it's all rainy and all muddy and leafy and nasty
Um prob R u min- arctic monkeys
To be happy my whole life
OooOOhHhh idk good question prob Ariana Grande
Um idek like I can't really get closer to u... Prob Junaid
I didn't make one :(
3005 by childish gambino❤️❤️
U know what it is bud I ain't SAYIN it hear ;)
Haha omg LEILA u prob have memorized the lyrics then
Um idk if that's a good thing or not(":
Your the most amazing girl in our school I swear... Everything about u is just perfect... IM always happy when I'm with u and I really like that... Idk what I'd do all day without u, cuz I'd have no one to talk to LOL... Ur super nice, athletic, sweet, your actually soooooooooooooooooooooooo beautiful, and u make me feel amazing :) ❤️ Rate: 6482937930276382826383662837382936738372784638/10
K I don't rly care what u think about me and LEILA soooo... Like everyone that keeps going on anon and keep saying crap that's anoying need to stop... Like me and her business isn't any of your business
LOL :)
Everything!!!! :)
Oh wow I'm so hurt now :"( jk I dont giv a crap
The person on the note ;)
Not at all actually sooooo idk what ur on
i just treat her the way she deserves and who is this LOL
LOL okay
I'm sorry is their a problem... Like shut up man what's wrong with Leila... Like if u wanna say something to me say it to my face don't be a *****