Do you even lift?
hell yeah
Don't forget my chocolaaaate!
kayyyyyyyyyyyyyy dotttttttttttttt
Why is Monique your bestfriend?
cause shes swaggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
Who are the people that mean the most to you?
bailey xoxoxxoxoxxoxoox
Why do you go to the gym?! you dont need to!
to lift obviously??? do you even lift??
Please check all your questions.
Reece isnt a horrible kisser..and he lost his virginity to me :3
if you had a sack of potatoes what would you do with it?
cook them up and have a mean feed of chips brah, tumeke
3 hottest year 11s and 12s waicol
Who is your best friend?
monique :)
are you a virgin?
nope soz
why are you so weird??
I just be myself, you're obviously one of those fakies who think they are normal. Please define normal.......
you're a horrible kisser, just saying.
Hmm, cool. Its gonna be hard to figure who asked this....
Are you aware that Jessie May Swanson is the most awesome person you have ever met?
That is very incorrect.
You're an idiot.
Have you ever questioned your se*uality?
Nope lol, im straight, and that ain't never gonna change