do you want a girlfriend ?
i used to think you were the best, now you have been a complete Dic* to me and the people you hang with you have turned into the biggest f*****. f*** you gay ****.
whos this?
do u even lift?
Come Skate me ;)
who is your boy bestfriend and who is your girlbestfriend
Girl: Keely
Boy: Herron
Hey reed, this is quite a challenge for me, but i have liked you since primary school, and this is the first time i have really kinda spoken to you.... I know you don't know who I am but thanks for being so nice to people x
ok then, inbox me
do you love me babe?
omg how did u get so attractive, marry me xoxox
inboox me
cool picture, i skate as well :)
inbox me oon facebook
your really cute ermagerd. you make me moist, mmmm.
heyyy keely
I'm serious, ?
then who is it
Answer: um, who is Bailey? Wait, is that your sister?
Answer: Lenny. I also believe that he is quite a stupid turtle.. and may be partly blind...
Hi bailey
Answer: 9th of November, you were born in 1999. 6 Days away!
whats my turtles name
I know a lot about you. Ask me a question as an answer to this post, and I will tell you the answer.
wats my birthday
catbat is back xxxxxxxxx
heyy keely
your f***ing hot, but you hate me
Inbox me on facebook