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Regan Petrie


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145 Replies

Thoughts on Jess? (your girlfriend)

Shes amazing i couldn't ask any beter of her. We both have our ups and downs, mainly me haha. but we get through it together. Shes like my best friend and has a desirable personality which ive never seen in any other girl. Shes like my best friend . I can act myself without feeling ashamed or embarras*ed. I can tell her anything and she give me great advice and look after me when im in a bad mood or sick. Shes a keeper ;) no matter how hard it is, i dont think ill ever consider leaving her :) so im sorry guys and girls, but im hers, and shes mine

Reeeeeegan replied 4364 days ago 2

Jess is doing this for you, you need to understand that. She loves you but she knows what;s best and this is.

yeah i know, shes a great girl, but could you please just leave this between me and jess?

Reeeeeegan replied 4364 days ago

By cheating on her!!

yeah i know i did that, but ive treated her with respect before and after that. and i know i didnt treated her with respect when i, cheated on her. but you weren't there you dont know what happened.. please could you just leave this between me and jess?

Reeeeeegan replied 4364 days ago

Jess is to good for you and you've f***ed with her, she is now realizing that she is to good for you, now you have to deal with that. You didn't treat her with respect, so now someone else will. Sorry bro, you blew your chance.

how have i f***ed with her? how have i not showed her respect?

Reeeeeegan replied 4364 days ago

If you did break up, you could always get back together when she's living in Wellington, wouldn't that be much easier?

im not too sure tbh

Reeeeeegan replied 4364 days ago

Have you ever thought maybe its for the best?


Reeeeeegan replied 4364 days ago

Jess is to good for you. You my friend are a f***en as*hole . Jess is hot and any guy would treat her better then you. But it seems you have the luck to have her. Treat her right before you lose her

Ive treated her the best i can, you probably know little of our relationship, just from what you hear or see. you dont know hard we have both tried. please dont swear at me i know ive f***ed up, but i don't diverse your abuse ive already had enough. Yeah im sure any guy would. okay ill try man

Reeeeeegan replied 4364 days ago 1

And you did cheat on her. You can't deny that.

yes i did. i kissed a girl, well she kissed me, so i did kiss her really then we stopped kissing, which means i did cheat, i told jess the next morning. I know i cheated so i dont need to be told over and over again okay

Reeeeeegan replied 4364 days ago

Your relationship is making her hate herself.

no its not, shes just having a hard time right. jess likes herself and i know that.

Reeeeeegan replied 4364 days ago

I wanted to f*** you and be your girlfriend. But seeing what you've done to jess has changed my mind. She's an amazing girl. She's so strong being able to be apart from you. Then you go and cheat. Be ashamed

you wanted to f*** me? thats such a stupid thing to say.. honest please have some respect, ive treated jess the best i can. i f***ed up once i know that its a big thing, but please just stay out of it, it would help. im sorry but yeah its really none of your business

Reeeeeegan replied 4364 days ago 1

Jess feels like she's ruining your life. Make it stop!! Do you know how bad she feels!! Do whats right for you both, it will be extreamly hard but it's for the best bro ://

But shes not ruining my life ? she honestly isnt. im just finding university really hard. she makes my life beter, how could she make it worse? .. I can make my own decisions..

Reeeeeegan replied 4364 days ago

You don't treat me like shi*, your an amazing boyfriend. Don't listen to them cuuutie xx jess_ward

Haha, yeah well :/ .. cute jess ;) xx

Reeeeeegan replied 4365 days ago

What makes or made you choose jess ??? Like what makes you want to stay with her?

Wooooh. Um. Well before me and jess went out, or before i asked her out we spent like 2 or so months getting to know each other, asking each other questions and talked about what we wanted in a relationship. We have both been through the same relationship problems and seemed to have alot in common, and i really liked her and she really liked me so it seemed like a good idea. Before we started dating we both knew that i was moving away this year (which was 8 months ahead at the time) and we both agreed before we starting dating that we would be happy to do long distance if it came to that. I guess their was a spark that ive never really felt before thats why I chased her hahaha.

Shes amazing i couldn't ask any beter of her. We both have our ups and downs, mainly me haha. but we get through it together. Shes like my best friend and has a desirable personality which ive never seen in any other girl. Shes like my best friend . I can act myself without feeling ashamed or embarras*ed. I can tell her anything and she give me great advice and look after me when im in a bad mood or sick. Shes a keeper ;) no matter how hard it is, i dont think ill ever consider leaving her :)

Reeeeeegan replied 4368 days ago 1

You treat jess like shi* im surprized shes still with you, she deserves so much better. When she realises that you better fucing regret the way you treat her. any guy would be lucky to have her, to bad its you.


Reeeeeegan replied 4370 days ago

I've been told that's it's Emily Lancaster sending you that shi*? It that true?

Dont know, dont think so. dont really care hahahhaahhahahaha. someone still sent it regardless of who it is lol

Reeeeeegan replied 4370 days ago