Party animal
Noooo never ??
What do you think of poetry / short stories ?
They okay I guess✨
Are u going to go to anarchy this Friday?
Maybe ✨
We have to make plans this holiday ?
message me ??♀️ And we can make plans ✨
I secretly love you
Thank you ?but who are u
Would u hook up with a guy at a party????
Nahhh I don’t like doing sht like that
I miss you
I probably miss you to ✨⭐️
You want a unicorn
What is your dream first date
Eating sushi on the beach when the suns setting ?✨
Would u date a guy that smokes ?
Yes ✨but I wouldn’t really like it
Would u go to the movies with a guy?
Yes i would? but i dont really fancy going to the movies
What are u doing today
Not sure yet i just woke up ??
You are really beautiful, keep staying who u are ?
Awwww thank u ?☺️You just put a huge smile on my face ☺️
Why are you friends with so many people that take drugs
Im actually not ?
How longg you need to vibe or talk before you date a guy!??
To be honest im not sure ?✨
Any guy in your life?
Noooo ?
You r a beauty gurll
Awww thank u ??
What sport do u do ??
U are beautiful in your latest post
Thank you so much ❤️
I know u can see the messages. Go for it. U know that u wanna. He wants u so show affection. U know u like him ?
Oh my fck I don’t like any one just because I’m nice to someone does not mean I want to be with them. So can you please stop saying qoohing me about this sht.
You guys are really cute together ?
Who? I’m not with anyone ?
Who do you like ?
NO one ?
Why’d you block me when I sent a follow request?
I blocked a lot of people and probably mistakenly blocked you with the others?✨
Do u know a boy named Liam
Yes I know many ?
Grade 11 male friends ?
Have lots ?
Are you easy to make plans with?
Ummmmm I think so I’m not sure??
What are you doing today
Nothing now but going out tonight ?
You and Kieran could be cute together
nope intrested ?
Thanks darling ?
No not justin, he is fcking ugly. I'm talking about the other guy, he's got long hair and a broken hand
I’m sorry I don’t know who you talking about then
How do you know Kieran
Umm I think I met him through friends
You are literally goals ?
Thank you so much ?
Why do you advertise qooh and not answer anything!!!!!!!?
I dooo answer but if it’s a stupid question I don’t answer
Who is that blonde guy you walk with at school.
Justin ?
So you and Marco still together ? Xx
Message me and I’ll tell you but for now I’ll keep you guessing ?
Reese I love you dude and fck sakes I miss you can't wait to see you again and fcking just laugh at anything like we did, you fcking amazing and mean so much to me❤ YUP
Oh my goodness dude I miss you a fck load❤️When you come down we must make a lot of plans. Can’t wait to laugh my A$$ of with you ?❤️❤️Yyyuuuuuppppp
Oh my soul ! My angel ? you are absolutely gorgeous, beautiful, stunning my princess! Thank you for being such a good friend to me ! I love you so much my best friend / sister ❤️❤️❤️ I miss you loads ?
Oh my goodness ?this really put a massive smile on my face ?I appreciate you so much like you don’t understand I’m so lucky to have you as best friend/sister ❤️I miss you and love you so much ?❤️
What made you happy today? 100+
A very special person ?❤️
Would you ever give #42 a nother chance?
I’m going to keep this answer to myself?but if you would really like to know talk to me one on one then you will know
I want you bad
Who are you ??
Marco and you ????
What about it...
I wish you were single
Sorry to disappoint you ?
What is something that has taken you by surprise that you are mad about that has recently happened?
It’s personal so I can’t say ?
What makes you happy?
My boyfriend ?
I wish you were single
Well.. I really don’t ??
Why do you advertise your qooh and then not answer ?
I do answer. I just don’t answer to those who think they better than everyone else and those who are just plain disgusting
I skommel to you a kak load
Ewwwwwww!!! Gross?
I miss being around you I used to love every second I was with you you made me really happy
That’s really sweet ?
You and Marco tho??
Thank u ❤️❤️
Who you going to PE with ?
I went with my mom
why do you keep your bf a secret?
I don’t ??
I miss you sm beautiful??❤
I miss you too ??
Are you and Marco dating
Yes yes ?
You and Marco dating???just a question no hate intended
Yes we are ?
Do u have a boyfriend?
Yes I do ?
Are you and Cayden or you and Marco dating?
Cayden and I are very very close friends?❤️
Are you and Rachel still friends?
Your crush
Don’t have one
What happened to your arm?
I broke the radius bone?
Do you like sports?
Yes love it
Your such a btch to reject my friend?
Well I'm sorry I'm not fcking up my relationship with my boyfriend just because your petty friend wants to kiss me.
What does his name start with atleast
Which friend do you remember from Gene Louw , that you love so much? you know who i am Reese!!???
I don't know sorry ???dm me?
Dm me and I will tell you ?
Why r u even friends with Jasmine and Rachel?
Why do u care ?
Any guys u would like to get to know better?
I guess so ?
What are you currently worried about?
My friend?
Would u date a guy in grade 9??
Maybe ?
Ek is lief vir jou
Awww that's cute ??
What does DM mean?
Direct message?
How much money do you need right now and why ?
I need enough money to buy a plane ticket ?
Would you date a guy from your register class?
Well if i was single then maybe.but I'm actually not sure
What's something you tried really hard to like but just couldn't?
What do you wish your parents understood?
The reasons why i want to go to Johannesburg
Miss you lots ❤️
Awwww thanks ??
What's your thoughts on Racheal stemmet and is she single
Ugggh sis??
Jk she's amazing and she's very funny ,yes she is single
Go on a date with me
Who are u ??
im in love with you but to shy to say it
Say it I don't bite ??
Last song you listened to ?
Timmy turner
Are you into anyone at the moment??
Nope ? i don't want a guy now
Haha no man make urself non private
Do u rather want my number
I cant stalk cuz ur private☹️
What's your name I'll follow you
Is your surname delport?