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Renee McIntosh


Ask or tell me anything you like

43 Replies

If you had to get Married at the age made up by the last two Digits of your phone number How old would u be?

69 ahaha

Reneemaree3 replied 3501 days ago

Who was your first crush ?

Wouldn't have a clue

Reneemaree3 replied 3505 days ago

What was your dream yesterday?

I had a dream my mum had a baby and my sister was pregnant

Reneemaree3 replied 3530 days ago

Money or Loyalty ?

Loyalty for sure

Reneemaree3 replied 3546 days ago

A bad habit you think you will never get rid of ?


Reneemaree3 replied 3547 days ago

Whats the thing you liked the most about your Ex ?

To early to ask that lol don't really know tbh probs the cuddles

Reneemaree3 replied 3549 days ago

Best compliment you have ever received ?

I still think your *exy as **** tho ahaha

Reneemaree3 replied 3555 days ago

What is the biggest frustration you’re facing now?

Wanting something you can't have

Reneemaree3 replied 3562 days ago

How do you deal with failure?

You win some you lose some nothing you can do

Reneemaree3 replied 3564 days ago

What one thing do you want the other person to do that would fix things between you?

Actually try I'm not gunna try if they don't I just don't see the point lol

Reneemaree3 replied 3567 days ago

How do you react when you encounter a homeless person?

Well I always want to give them money and I iust feel sorry for them because there's so many people out there with a home and food and that take things for granted and just the smallest bit of change brightens there day and people treat them poorly when there just humans like us

Reneemaree3 replied 3569 days ago

Who do you envy and why ?

I don't envy anyone I believe that you should be yourself

Reneemaree3 replied 3571 days ago

Favourite age you've been so far and why ?

A kid no worries in the world no realtionships no complications at all

Reneemaree3 replied 3574 days ago

Who told you they loved you last

Doesn't really matter

Reneemaree3 replied 3575 days ago

A body part you think you could do without ?


Reneemaree3 replied 3578 days ago