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You will only make me stronger btches

460 Replies

Did Bush do 9/11?

Omg who knows

RhiannonRadke replied 2910 days ago

What are you obsessed with?

Cats mainly

RhiannonRadke replied 3345 days ago

What is one thing you want right now?

I want to hear a knock at the door and see him come and surprise me.

RhiannonRadke replied 3413 days ago

How many doors do you have at your house?

Uh 13.. I think ha.

RhiannonRadke replied 3414 days ago

J Nemet Brough

Uh known her for good 12 years. Always been like a little sister to me. Have some amazing memories that I wouldn't want to trade for anything. Someone I see being in my life forever. However she just stops talking to me, or makes no effort to contact me unless it's to her convenience. Or at least that's how it seems. But like I'll try talk to her she will be blunt and blame it all on me. Then when I prove its not just me she stops replying. That's the thing. Respect me and I'll respect you. But I'm not gonna make an effort anymore if it's not wanted. She's always gonna be part of my life, but that's only if she makes herself part of it. Because I don't deserve to be treated like sht and thrown under the bus over other friends ✌?

RhiannonRadke replied 3430 days ago

If you had to become one piece of human anatomy to live as what would it be?


RhiannonRadke replied 3430 days ago

rather have one leg or one arm?


RhiannonRadke replied 3430 days ago

rather be sprayed in the eyes with tarantula hairs, oooor leg bitten into by a camel spider?


RhiannonRadke replied 3430 days ago

Okay round two, would you rather become the leg of a starfish, or the fin of a dolphin?


RhiannonRadke replied 3430 days ago

Why are you special ???

Aren't we all special in our own way? It's what makes us who we are. I'm not certain what makes me special. I guess just being me.

RhiannonRadke replied 3434 days ago

Three animals that you think look ridiculous?

Naked mole rat. Star-nosed mole. Yetti crab.

RhiannonRadke replied 3435 days ago

three people you Fuc*ing hate with a passion?

G.D M.H And uh I don't know.

RhiannonRadke replied 3435 days ago

What are your plans for next year beautiful

Hmm well. I hope to graduate from evocca. Turn nineteen. Complete placement. Get a new job. Few other things I don't know take each day as it is.

RhiannonRadke replied 3435 days ago

Any friends you'd like to catch up with before the year ends

I wanna have a proper catch up with Megan. And jade. And Evan. And Bastian. And anyone who wants to message me and see me!!

RhiannonRadke replied 3435 days ago

Y u know anser my qestions?

Why* you* no* answer* questions?*

RhiannonRadke replied 3435 days ago