Rhidian Scott-Towers
how are babies made?? =O would you help me make one?
hahahaha ...Louise -_-
Guess what I'm doing! ;)
Why don't you ask me off anon ;)
do you still like samantha?
Idk, it's not even worth it.
god these questions would you rather are making me laugh like a motherf***er
hahaha funny eh :/
Are you a mind reader? ;)
Yes ;)
How can you be so sure? ;)
Believe me..i know ;)
Guess who ;)
haha i know who ;)
Biggest nutsack in Geraldine?
Jackson Fergusson hahaha easy
5 funniest Geraldine Girls?
Ahh Milie, Kelsey, Lucy, Larisa and Peta :)
who was your first love
Louise Hefford
...but are you into brunettes?
Hair colour doesn't really matter to me lol
did you and samantha break up because she dyed her hair? does that mean you like brunettes?
hahahaha no that has nothing to do with it at all lol
What are you doing in Wellington at the university?
Studying Architecture :)
Top 10 Dudes of Geraldine, and no you can't put yourself 10 times.
do you straighten your hair.. hahahaha
Omg no!
Top 10 babes of Geraldine ?
Ahh In no particular order: Georgie McEwan, Louise Hefford, Sarah Petrovics, Riva Williams, Kate Mulligan, Elsa Wardell, Lucy Polson, Sarah Kerse and Amelia Wardell
Hey atheists! If God isn't real, then how has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Christians: 1
Atheists: 0
Dude...learn to english
Would you slap a parent for $30 Million ?
**** yeah haha stupid question?
you sah cool boy xox
Churr xox
Is your sister hotter than Sophie Chambers, be honest!
No one is as hot as Sophie Chambers ;)
has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Would you rather wake up naked on a park bench, di*do at hand, with no memory of what happened last night, and sore an** and Ronald McDonald telling you, "you were loving it" or to the burger king king telling you, "you had it your way"?
Would you rather rather wake up next to Susan Boyle, mouth covered in pubes and v***** juice, with no memory of what had happened to have the nike CEO telling you you 'Just did it' or the subway guy congratulating you on 'eating fresh'?rnrnTouche ;)
Mate with the answer to "Decision Time", you're heading to a gorilla rape no matter what happens.
So even if I did cut my **** off i would still get raped?
- Your Dic* is stuck in a glacier
- A silverback gorilla is charging at you
Would you rather cut your Dic* of with a rusty knife and escape or be raped by the silver back gorilla?
What if the gorilla does not intend to rape me?? And besides in the zoo have you ever seen a while gorilla in nz...glaciers aren't that common in wellington either and i don't have a rusty knife so your point is invalid.
Would you rather ejaculate once every hour, no matter what situation you're in (including in your sleep) OR only experience an orgasm every couple of years?
depends how good the orgasm is every couple of years...are we talking super orgasm here??
Would you rather change se*es every time you sneeze or confuse muffins for babies for the rest of your life?
Ahahahhaahhhahhhaha well whenever i sneeze I always do it twice...so i would only change *ex for a couple of seconds. I would hate to eat my own baby accidentally...
Would you rather shi* yourself once a week or piss yourself once a day? No warning when it will happen, it just happens.
What the **** haha ahhhh **** myself once a week, i could wear a nappy and wouldn't have to put up with awkward wet patches..
Would you rather have all farts be silent but EXTREMELY deadly, or all farts be harmless but EXTREMELY loud?
Silent but deadly, that way you can let it rip and watch others suffer not knowing who dealt it
Thankyou Sherlock.
You best answer all of these Little Widdy
All answered ;)
How many times do you wipe your as* after shi*ting? I need advice ;|
wipe?? People still do that?....
Do you pee standing up, sitting down or upside down in a chain rack?
standing up.....unless i'm ****ting as well ;)
Have you had your period yet?
Not due for a while yet...
Is your sister single?
haha **** off.....yes.
caine or heroin?
Both. Yolo.
On a scale of 1 to Bit**ian, How Bit**ian are you?
Hahahaha matt?
I think you forgot someone..
I said I've got other good mates, those are just the ones I hang out with the most...
Besties from Geraldine
ahhh Girls: Lucy, Peta, Milie, Sarah k, Kate
Boys: Mark, Dougal, Matt, Jakeb.... I've got other good mates, but they'd be the ones I hang out with the most :)
On a scale of 1 to 10 how likely is it that you'l commit rape?
I prefer the term struggle snuggle...and its not rape if you yell surprise ;)
hey man! I just wanted to know if your driiiiiiiiiiinkin?
Hahaha always Sam always!
How are we meant to be happy with ourselves when someone like me talks to you and you just shut them down..
Ask me off anon
It's because your popular and good looking and i don't see myself as that
Stereotypes are over-rated....be happy with yourself :)
That's great mate ;) hahah have a wild guess!
Honestly haha i have no idea??
How come your a Dic* to the non popular ones?
For example??
Is it true that you got really drunk once and ate your own shi* for a cheeseburger?
Doesn't everyone do that??
How are you? :)
Fantastic :) whoooo iiisss thiiss??
You're insanely talented
Thankyou :)
I think you are real hot
You are too kind :)
i think you are really hot, but you'd never go for someone like me.. :/
Whys that?
Rhidian has a manjina, Rhidian has a manjina
hahaaha jerusha...
Do you still like making mudcakes :P
Haha when did I like making mud cakes??
You dance like a new born horse on meth. calm down with the over effort
hahahahahahaha okay that's pretty good...
Best girl and guy friend during kindy? :)
Kindy..shi* haha catherine?
I think I liked you all through primary school yay.
haha cute?
You are so f***ing se*y