Riley Simpson
What do you think is the most useless class in high school?
What is the one thing that should be taught in school that isn’t already?
The meaning of life
What are you allergic to?
Deep heat spray and bubble bath
So your saying Sharnee is a waste of your time?
Pretty much
What has wasted your time the most this year ?
Sharnee Coverdale ❤️
Nick or zach?
**** that's hard
Lamborghini or Ferrari?
Lamborghini any day
Name anyone you dated in the past ?
What is your biggest success up until now?
Learning how to cook two minute noodles
Who would you want with you if you were stranded on a deserted island?
Sharnee definitely not nick
How much do you weigh?
What was your last dream about ?
a **** you mother ****ing **** ****er. **** you to ****ing hell ****
thoughts on c dizz
Gonna miss art and English together but we still have maths. A true lad likes to talk a lot of **** but is funny and a rookie fighter
Didn't I make the cut with the close friends? I let you copy my maths work :P Taali
I'm pretty sure I had to teach you how to do it and I suppose you can hehe
What was so funny about crashing a party with Zach?
It was just heaps of fun
Who's your main close friends?
Sharnee of course nick Shae Chris Zach Ben tilly Leigh and Chloe
Who would you take a bullet for?
My close friends
But who actually is your best friend
Wouldn't you like to know
Best drinking memory
Crashing a party with Zach
chris would out drink nick anyday
Yeah all the time
Best mate?
No Leigh or chloe
What is attractive about you?
What your favourite memory?
Watching ryley throw up into the kings cup then drink it again 10/10 for guts
Who your favourite drinking buddy ?
Ummmm good question probs nick or chris
What would you change about one of your friends if you could ?
I would change nick so he wasn't such a ****
Thoughts on nick? :)
Nick who
what do you think of laura dunstan
Random but she's nice and good to talk to
What does your perfect day look like?
Idk until it happens
What are you addicted to?
Sport and food
What's your favorite fashion item ?
How long do you want to live?
As long as possible
Describe the person you like:
Your Dream Job?
Coach for hockey Australia
At what age do you want to get married ?
What do you love the most?
Some slût and sport
Where do you want to live when you older?
Do you think Caz looked good playing volleyball?
It was funny
People can have more than one bestfriend anon.. Obviously no one wants to be your bestfriend, so thats why you don't know about it.. ShaeFalk
Person you have hurt the most?
Probs sharnee or shae
No but aren't Ben and nick best friends?
Yeah so?
isnt he bens best mate?
and if hes your best mate why do you always hit him???
Why can't he have two friends haha and because he always says stupid ****
does she go to your school
Someone you've hurt before?
I've hurt a lot of people before
nicks your best mate aye?
Yes why?
Who do you like at the moment?
Someone great
What would you suggest everyone try ?
Not caring about what other people think
No one is even fighting.. Lol
I know how disappointing
All these cute keyboard warriors nawwww
I've got your back "fgit"
Craziest thing you ever did for money ?
Asked for it from jessey banks
btw I know what happened aswell
Cool story
the only reason I said itis because I know Laura doesnt want to be asked thats why im not here to fight
Well idc
everyone should stop fighting, its between laura and riley and i don't think this is helping either of them.
everyone be nice to each other:)
I don't really care I like a good fight
its rude because maybe she doesnt want to be asked thats all im saying
excuse me anon but when I said 'Riley telling people to 'ask her' is not rude...', I was on his side...
Plz don't fight
how about everyone just shuts the fûck up about the situation on Laura and Riley. Clearly it's nothing to do with anyone other than them, so everyone should stop sending in anonymous's about it.
Cheers anon
Riley telling people to 'ask her' is not rude, what's rude is that you're asking what happened, when lets be honest, is none of your business..
3 Hottest year 9's at seco
Not sure
What is your ringtone?
Not sure haha
Riley dont tell people to ask her thats just rude
Why'd you cheat on Jordy?
What happened between Riley and I, is between is two. So could you please stop asking questions about something that has nothing to do with you. lauziej
What happened with Laura?
Ask her
Thoughts. :-)
Thankyou. Meekaxx
You have the best personality. You always seemed to be happy even if things where ****. You cool and we used to be really close
I was joking. Sorry if i offended
All good.
And your not joking when you say everyone
Yep whatever you think.
Seem nice good to talk to
What's your snap chat?
Who are you tuning now?
Thoughts on kirra cuskelly?
Don't really know her
Do you miss Laura?
Not really
The most unreliable person you know ?
thoughts on Caz Basset?
She nice and really good to talk to
hows Laura?
Idk not going out so ask her
Don't really know you but seem really nice
best friend?
Nick, Shae, sharnee
Stop with the snapchat story's!
Will do
Who do you love more, mum or dad ?
Biggest regret?
I have too many
Have you ever gone to school without taking a bath?
Well I have only have showers but no I haven't
What do you like about the person you dating?
A lot
you havent seen Laura these holidays
Pretty much
Have you and Laura even met?
Of you's have, Have you's even caught up these holidays?
Yeah we have
So what both you and Darcy are getting in with people now?
Um idk about Darcy
Would you give a homeless person CPR if they were dying? Why or Why not?
Yes because they deserve to live
Do you think Laura trusts you?
Don't get me wrong, Laura seems like a great girl! But from what I've heard, you were chatting up another girl at the same time you were chatting up Laura.. True? Thoughts? Opinion?
I wasn't. Haha so get the facts right mate
What do you think about the most?
Thats cute. Shes a great girl. Just make sure you look after her, otherwise there will be trouble.
I will
Be honest, why do you like Laura? Out of everyone, why her?
Why her because she can always make me laugh no matter what mood I'm in she has a weird smile but it unique she has the best persononality and she's gorgeous and more
Omg why can't everyone just mind their own business! ShaeFalk
Thanks Shae
Game of thrones vs Vikings ?
Game of thrones