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Rhiannon king


Ask me anything you like anonymously

84 Replies

thoughts on me ? :* jascorless5

good to talk to , good personality , pre attractive :*

Rlk2212 replied 4070 days ago


awh thank you ! inbox me ! x

Rlk2212 replied 4072 days ago

When you stand on a Lego piece it is the most intense pain ever.. Makes you wanna cry haha

hahaa I know

Rlk2212 replied 4072 days ago

thoughts on Shae , abby , Carly , caity , ryan , harley , tarsh

ughhh , Shae , really nice , pretty , perfect , pretty close to her , not to sure about our friend ship aha but I love her , abbey * - really nice and pretty and really funny and good at gymnastics I love her , Carly - liteally my best friend , probably the only person I can fully trust , she always puts a smile on my face , she is perfect , I love her , Caity - my twin ! I love her so much she is so pretty and perfect and I always have the best dmns with her , she is so gorgeous and I feel like I'm family when I go to her house <3 Ryan - really hot , nice , haven't talked in ages , should catch up soon , good kisser ;) Harley - really hot , so nice , guy best friend probs , we had our ups and downs but we always worked through them all , he is such an amazing guy ! tarsh - tarsh is mint , one of the prettiest girls iv met , soooo nice and so pretty , can't wait for tomorrow :) x anyway , I love them all to the moon and back

Rlk2212 replied 4073 days ago 1

thoughts on ella collard?

she is perfect , so fun to be around , such a good personality and just an amazing girl , I love her so much x

Rlk2212 replied 4073 days ago

top 5 guys you would date

tradies , ryan , harley , idk anyone

Rlk2212 replied 4073 days ago

top 10 prettiest girls in year 7
top 10 hottest guys in year 7

every one is beautiful ,

Rlk2212 replied 4073 days ago

how you make her cry?

cause I'm a ***** of a kid hah

Rlk2212 replied 4073 days ago

how do you feel right now

**** , I think I just made my mum cry

Rlk2212 replied 4073 days ago

Why do you always wear boy tops?

cause I have a ****. no I'm kidding , idk , there just more comfortable and more patterns none of the girly **** on them , and these days 80% of girls tops are cropped so yeah boys tops are nice and long.

Rlk2212 replied 4073 days ago 3

What does friend zone mean

I'm pretty sure it's when someone likes you and then you tell them your just friends or something like that

Rlk2212 replied 4074 days ago

if you could tell each of the girls in your group , what would you say to them

Carly - your beautiful , and your my best friend Abbey - don't listen to all the people who give you **** Caity - your my twin Shae - I'm always here for you Cassie - don't listen to all the people who give you **** , you will meet the boy of your dreams who will treat you right , don't bring yourself down about it :) xx I hope I didn't miss anyone

Rlk2212 replied 4075 days ago 3

you say meet a nice guy, but we really know ur just gonna put him in the friend zone, cause thats what girls do

I actully ****ing hate it when every person thinks people are the same , not every girl is a ***** , most girls are different , and no if he is nice and we both like each other why would I put him in the friendzone , and if he likes me and I don't like him back , he would know because I wouldn't lead him on.

Rlk2212 replied 4075 days ago

Plans for 2014?

start year 8 , go on a holiday , meet a nice guy , become rich

Rlk2212 replied 4075 days ago

thoughts on steph wilson? she tried to hard to br youre friend well it looks like it but obvi your to good to be her friend hahaha

Stephs perfect , she didn't try hard ..? and I'm not to good to be her friend , she is so nice and caring and funny and polite !

Rlk2212 replied 4075 days ago 1