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Mad cuzz :)


Aye cuzz ask meh a question ;) Ahaha :p Blah

55 Replies

What would put a smile on your face today ?

Not having to deal with idiots on a daily basis

RoXXyCh1ck888 replied 2977 days ago

What do you want right now ?

For someone in particular to come back inside and f*cking hug meee!!! :3

RoXXyCh1ck888 replied 3302 days ago

Which movie s*cked for you this year ?

Idk.. I don't watch movies usually..

RoXXyCh1ck888 replied 3312 days ago

What is the longest you have gone without taking a bath?

Since about a couple of days ago.. I shower not bath usually.. Occasionally I bath.. But I shower

RoXXyCh1ck888 replied 3325 days ago

What was your dream yesterday?

Food. And lots of it. Also of someone special

RoXXyCh1ck888 replied 3356 days ago

A friend you once had a crush on ?

Hmm.. Heaps ahah.. I wont name though..

RoXXyCh1ck888 replied 3369 days ago

Why do you cut?

Who is this and why does it matter too you?

RoXXyCh1ck888 replied 3372 days ago

Money or Loyalty ?


RoXXyCh1ck888 replied 3372 days ago

What's your favourite word or phrase ?

Here are a couple.. If you can't change your fate, change your attitude. Knowledge talks, wisdom listens. It's better to be hated for who you are, than to be loved for who you're not. We've all got both light and dark in us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.

RoXXyCh1ck888 replied 3408 days ago

The last thing you bought ?

Black nail polish

RoXXyCh1ck888 replied 3412 days ago

Thoughts? sammy.eagles

Amazing! xx You are so caring towards me and I love you for it and for much more xx You are always up for hugs and is always happy too see me xx Love you pretty x

RoXXyCh1ck888 replied 3417 days ago

A memory you want to forget ?

When my brother stuck up for me..

RoXXyCh1ck888 replied 3418 days ago

What is your nickname ?

Nick names*.... Little dudette, Short Shi*, Pretty Head, Bubba.. And more

RoXXyCh1ck888 replied 3421 days ago

What does your perfect day look like?

Sitting with the guy I like :3 Just chilling at home with him and playing games and eating pizza while listening to Heavy Metal :3

RoXXyCh1ck888 replied 3431 days ago

What are you allergic to?

Prawns, Fish, beans and many more :p

RoXXyCh1ck888 replied 3438 days ago