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Go for it..

515 Replies

SUGGESTION FOR YT: testing put weird food combos

Sounds good

Robyn283 replied 2165 days ago

Who is this person that keeps asking about your cousin ? why hasn't she gone for him yet.

Dude I dont even know ?

Robyn283 replied 2165 days ago

You can call me, Sir Piggles. I do initiate intriguing conversations - ?

I'm sure ?

Robyn283 replied 2165 days ago

Pizza was once considered a peasants dish. How scandalous *twirls moustache poshingly * - ?

Swear I know who this is ?

Robyn283 replied 2165 days ago

Shall I interest you in a intriguing conversation about pizza -?

? sounds great

Robyn283 replied 2165 days ago

Is your cousin still single. - his secret admirer ?

Yes hunny ?

Robyn283 replied 2165 days ago


? why

Robyn283 replied 2165 days ago


Dude building content that isn't cringe asf is hard

Robyn283 replied 2165 days ago

Is there a secret you're hiding from us

Lol of course

Robyn283 replied 2165 days ago

You should post moreeee

I'll tryyy

Robyn283 replied 2165 days ago

Now I know why you so hairy baboon?❤️?

Confused asf thanks "bestie" ??

Robyn283 replied 2165 days ago 1

Fair enough? But what would you say makes something a personal question, is it like shyness, or modesty or social convention etc? What makes someone reluctant to answer something that neither places them in peril nor in judgement?

Varies from person to person I assume. What's personal for me may not be considered personal to someone else but I mean they're called privates for a reason. ?

Robyn283 replied 2167 days ago

You know, I think the embedded question isn't even about pubes-who cares what you do. It's about whether you'd answer a question like that and if not, why not. Why do you think you would not answer it? ? Ps: I

Well its personal preference but also why would I just tell someone how my "down there" is groomed ? it's for me and whoever is close enough to me to know.. just my opinion?

Robyn283 replied 2167 days ago

Your family would find it objectionable if your true love stayed over and shared a room with you?
Btw, you just hit 500 answers ?

A lot of girls boyfriends aren't even allowed to stay over , it's just that as a young and unmarried couple it's just not the done thing to share a bed under your parents roof but that's us .. ask other people if you need a generalization

Robyn283 replied 2167 days ago

Of course it's your business ? But that doesn't preclude other people wondering about your grooming preferences ?

Not answering this though.

Robyn283 replied 2167 days ago