Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
I'm not lmao
Nah im still single
Jarod and Tatiana
She is as cool as a cucumber and cucumbers are vegtables so.... nah jk she cool
Depends who im talking too. if im In a english convo i think english, at home its portuguese
Thank you so much, Much love to you. You literally made my fkn day❤
Depends who is lis
Camp councillor Ian?
My answer to your question
Who is that, jk she is cool
I really wish i was smart enough to understand this properly, maybe dm me and explain?
Thank you. i prefer daddy or gramp gramps so just know for next time son??
I try my best not to lie
I go to Fairmont High School and im 16 turning 17
thats classified information
Yes, thats why i had to escape mexico to come here
I actually dont know.
Its a secret☻ wanna find out? dm me
depends if its a joke or its to bully
Everyone is tickilish , its a natural thing and if you scared of people finding out just say you dont like people touching you
Yeah many, their are alot of good personalities and looks in fairmont☺
Tbh i actually wouldnt mind a girlfriend, i want that special connection with somebody that i dont have with anybody else. But i dont need one cause ur boy gets around at parties but would be nice
Im calling the weed
* dials *
420 what you smoking
When who calls you what. learn how to spell then come back?
Oh nO
Finally getting sleep
Enterprise Bolonga
dM mE pLS?
Making people happy makes me happy
The only thing thats hanging is me if Saturday goes as plan
i DrEaM oF mYsELf ToO. iM GrEaT
ThAnK YoU sO MuCh
So many things?
Oh no i was too late. dm me and ill make a date to catch up
pLeaSe dM mE CaUsE i nEeD tO kNoW wHo ThIs iS.
oH mY WhErE HaVe YoU bEeN aLL mY LiFe. PlEaSe dM mE. I NeEd tO kNoW wHo ThIs MyStEry GirL iS.
DaMn dM mE pLeAsE sO i KnOw WhO yOu aRe. i nEeD tO kNoW
All the time *nuzzles*
wOaH i hope this isnt a tRoLL that has FOoLeD Me
Nobody famm?
Bratty Children
No, i wouldnt mind one tho
The Conjuring. it was spooky
She aint a boss btch she a bad btch and you cant kill her
(for all the confused people search Ms.keisha vine)
*thinks about life*
*nervous laughter*
Jeez they are so many??
jk i think getting loyal friends who would take a bullet for me is a accomplishment and a big one
Ask my mom why she wasnt cooking lunch cause he was hungry.
and that is now stuck in my head thank you and screw you
Get a loyal girl?
Get good Marks
Get Healthy
Be Kind
I dont have a gf?
Yes be continued...
jk dm me
Im single fam
Everyone messes up i dont wanna pick one specific bad decision
Good Guy
He is a decent person
Attempt to ice skate... I was so bad but got the hang of it towards the end but my feet hurt and i was cold
Never trust or believe that easy and when they start showing signs of cheating, break up cause its most likely true.
People always say dumb sht to me, i dont think i can pick out the dumbest?
Sleep in and watch youtube.
I mean my name is kinda awesome and has a nice ring to it (if said right). So id prefer my over common names?
17 december and the year i was born in was 2001
Ant comes from the Middle English word ante which derives from the Old English word æmette which is derived from the Old High German word āmeiza which is derived from the West Germanic word amaitjo. So as time moved on the name got shortened
I like them all the same?
I dont like them because at the end nobody benefits from the friendship and its just a waste of time.
Kinda weird to talk about yourself in 3rd person
I dont just have one cause the people im always around are so awesome, i see most of them as my best friends
Learn how to play an instrument
I have many Buddies in CAT. Very specific subject you asked?. if you wanna find out who my favorite is tho, Dm me?
Probably get 10 times more girls than you but lets see if you have balls, dm me so we can sort this out.
Dm me???
Things that would still be illegal
jk jk jk jk
*nervous laughter*
Cause we arent birds and chickens are birds that cant fly
Giving advice and Helping people through problems
Gosh there so many, probably because alot of people assume stuff about me and dont ask me myself to make sure its true?
I dont think so?
When there is a problem i dont like to sort it out id rather walk away for a long time or ignore them. but i never do /did this with my Girlfriend/Exes.
B ,maybe but personality counts most?
Def Gel Honnnneeeyyyyy
if i decided to cut you out of my life, chances are that you gave me the scissors... Dm me and we can sort this out
* doesnt clap hands because being alive is pain *
Depends who? i geuss?
So im set for life and can travel
well nobody is perfect
the end of a terrible school day
The ones who are not loyal
The ones who talk sht about you
The ones who spread rumors
The ones who make twist stories
The ones who pretend to care about your feelings
The fake freinds
The cheaters
I could go on and on tbh
The fact that i have my own opinions and trying to convince me otherwise will never work?
Depends on the person tbh?
Nothing, if i dont know something i ask or i search it because knowledge should never be kept from anyone
I dont know who you are and i find it weird you watch people make out with other people anyway i said i wasnt looking at anyone no that i wasnt gonna have fun at parties?
Honestly i really havent been looking at girls since deep in space i have had my mind on really important things... but it comes down to 70 personality 20 looks 10 my feelings. I dont find any girl ugly because i only decide to judge them when they are rude or mean in front of me or to me...
Well i try my best not to be around fake people. Recently i had freinds who i thought were my freinds but they turned out fake and now they are telling people such a twisted story that makes me look like a monster and them the victim.
"It is what it is"