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Gay *****
I miss most of the people there
Look I dont
Hahahah I'm not low
Look, I do play a bit of fifa here and there
Really nice, good to talk to and heaps funny!
great kid, animal at soccer dont need to say no more you already know everything mate
Miss ya should catch up soon
Miss him so much really need to catch up and best kid to be around he is a laugh miss him heaps!
Both good looking and very good to kb with
Okay Mariah on Skype with you now but #whatevs Bestfriends since year 7 and still going stronger then ever, I know I annoy you but I still love you, I can always talk to you about everything and we have made so many memories together and a lot more to come! Love ya and meh I guess your alright looking xx ;)
One of my bestmates girlfriend, really nice and good to talk to
Ummm Briana Celeste Maddy Peta That's all I can think of
Love her and reallllllyyyyy nice
nah dont even like the kid
i rate all of them highly
dont know many girls in year 11
Not in order Alyssa Kaitlyn Mariah Monique Jade Belle Demie
What a champion
Too hard just to name 5
Thanks kata haha