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send me nudes

35 Replies

seen ya naked
made out with ya
no regrets
ily hellaamy

Your existence is the reason I wake up in the morning. Go hard or go home ;D

Roseybekah replied 3871 days ago

what do u think of josh E?

Josh E is a fgt. I h8 him 5eva.
Nah, he is a pretty damn cool kid, he has changed my life in multiple ways, and yeah, he was a great guy and helped me mas* amounts pretty much. I tolerate him, and I miss seeing his gay face,

Roseybekah replied 4120 days ago

If I started chasing you with my Dic* out what would you do?

Depends, is it made of candy?

Roseybekah replied 4120 days ago

Why did you have a big fight with Chrissie?

Meh, we have had 2 mas*ive fights. One was completely her fault. One was completely mine. Our first one was because she spilt a mas*ive personal secret of mine, and I hated her for two years, The second was becase I was being a Bit** and got sick of her being annoyed at me and Jess being friends so I hated her like the Bit** I am. And Its Krissy.

Roseybekah replied 4120 days ago

has anyone told you latley how beautiful you are :)

And I am not gonna lie, I thought the entire world hated me.. People are cute, you are a beautiful person :3

Roseybekah replied 4127 days ago

Complete these sentences:
I want to be friends with a melon because ___.
I want to cross a ___ and a ___ with a pinecone because ___.
If I could do one thing forever it would be ___ with ___ because doing ___ forever would be really crappy.

I want to be close friends with a melon because they are tasty and I believe that eating your friends is okay.
I want to cross a corgi and a bomb with a pinecone because it would be awesome to own a spikey dog that blows up.
If I could do one thing forever it would be having running through fields of battle turtles with van so they would attack him because eating potatos would be crappy.

Roseybekah replied 4127 days ago


I wonder who this is :P

Roseybekah replied 4127 days ago

Rose, ROSE, rose.

yes, YES, yes..
Who be this?

Roseybekah replied 4127 days ago

What are your honest opinions of

Tash- She is just beautiful, shes my bestfriend, shes my Adrian, but god, she can be a little bit silly sometimes, she really needs to think things through and realise that everyone loves her. ps. her blog is se*y
nLani- Shes tall, shes smart, shes pretty baddas* and she makes me laugh, she has the habit to bug me occasionally, but I admire her straight out honesty. Shes also totally baben' in the face
nKrissy- f*** me, this girl is crazy! We have definitely had more ups and downs than an elevator on speed, but I love her to bits anyway. She really is beautiful and she should love her body! I definitely used to be really mad at her, but we got over our fight.
nJess- This girl is a top notch one! We haven't really had any fights, but we have been in some weird situations together :/ Year 9 english ;D She makes me giggle, but sometimes I get frustrated 'cause shes all super happy to be with me one minute, then the next she seems mad, but thats just people I suppose, I love her none the less and she is pretty f***in' gorgeous.
nAlex- She is my Elphie, and we are Media wagging buddies and singing Aladdin buddies and Bit**ing buddies! I have to admit, sometimes I do things to purposefully annoy her, like throwing my rubbish in front of her but I love her and would never really wanna hurt her. I love her to pieces,
nf*** I sound really sappy so I am gonna end up with I LOVE YOU ****S <3

Roseybekah replied 4128 days ago

You think you're the boss of me because it says "send me nudes" I will do no such thing.

Damn it! Here I was thinking that I was actually getting close to having some bossly qualities. You proved me wrong, mortal. Good show, you get a gold star!

Roseybekah replied 4128 days ago

If you had a 53cm long toe nail.. there is know point to this
But yeah

If I had a 53cm toe nail, i would have a toe nail that is exactly 46.3% the size of my boner. My boner is huge

Roseybekah replied 4128 days ago

as* slap, grab or pinch?


Roseybekah replied 4128 days ago

Who are the top 6 people you miss most from Upper Yarra?

I hate these questions 'cause I am put on the spot and often miss important people. But off the top of my head
Tash, lani, Alex, Krissy, your mum, Jess Ritchaay, and probably someone important I forgot to mention!

Roseybekah replied 4128 days ago

Phwaaarr!!! Memba new rosey??

Wait what did I do?

Roseybekah replied 4128 days ago

Rose you think you're the boss of me

Considering I am in the middle of nowhere I am so curious behind your reasoning? How do I consider myself le boss of you?

Roseybekah replied 4128 days ago