You such a poes
Be honest how many chicks have you pomped??
100000000000000000001, The most recent being your mom u poes!!
And anyway, I have se* with girls, or woman! I don't "pomp" "chicks" respect might be a little bit nice hey!!
Aye you gay??!?!?! I rate yu s*ck ****z all day and night yu poes!!!!!
I guess that's what you do!!! Koz you seem to always be thinking about me doing!! Go dream about something else you poeS!!
There's a clown outside your window....
Oh u!!
Why you such a crazy persOn! LanK crazY!!
Guess its just who I am hey!! BBM me!!
Your such a awesome person!
That's nice!! Please BBM me, who are you!!
You're such a freak! But you make me laugh so its okay :D
In a weird way that is very nice of you!! Haha!! BBM me please, want to know who u r!!
why am i SOO attracted to you?? ur amasing and i love you, what are we doing this weeked buhhmZ <3<3
Oh Kaleen I love u to, ur all those things and more, uhm my house or your house which ever!! BBM me!! Let me know!
What's the one rumour you've heard about you that is not true?
I don't know hey, don't really hear any rumours, and frankly I couldn't care!!
Who are you dating currently
No1 but I like some1 named T...A
Describe yourself in 3 words?
Laank chilled guy