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horrible,crazy and challenging all at once but exceptionally wonderful.?
I believe in equality but I don't believe that only woman are treated unfairly....Id think that men would also be treated unfair in some ways,no one said life was going to be fair in the first place. You need to find a perfect balance but sometimes it's all talk no game. id rather do something physically helpful to the situation instead of writing a whole long speech on Socia media and then complain if I don't see a different, the world is deaf..they need to see the change not hear it.
I'd change nothing, I believe everything happens in its own mysterious,imperfect way perfectly because it's supposed to and their is no point dwelling on what we could change because we will never be able to ?
Science because I like to question how things work, English because I love reading and writing and Art because I can express myself in the utmost different way.
I don't follow any routine,
Routine gets boring, everyday is different ???
When people take things for granted,complain for meaningless reasons and possess high judgment over people.
I bought the ungrateful,too cool for school,street kid a chocolate? And let her copy my Afrikaans homework ??✏️
Cause I spend too much and save too little
I'm like nah too
Y'all seem prettay nice
I think you asking the wrong person
Sorry I'm not good with maths
Thank you ❤️
That's a great idea
A bank account
You should be looking for a new English teacher ?
For funzies ?
Durbanville baptsist church ?❤️
How could I ever decide! ?
Yes,yes I do
My fridge ?
Its you . ❤️
Gym buddies, amazing ????❤️
I asked my mom, she said no
Who's that ???
No it's me???
Break.? And sometimes amorie, otherwise Megan,Hayley,kuda,Ashleigh and Chloe burger on occasion?
Nothing important
Shadow blade ?
Misses you most ?? definitely ?X
First time for everything
I think you asked this one already Harrison ?x
On mars✨
Fake people..people who aren't what they portray themselves to be.
My main main,is Keelan Coetzee???? and..I can't decide on one.
Remember . ?
Perotti? And Leah✨
Be more specific ?xx
1.pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis - which is a lung disease which is caused by silica particles in a volcano
2.adventure-sounds so exciting
3. Tenacious-right or firm hold of something
Yo,I'm super .nothing exciting au??x
Regina george??
People ???????????????
Your mom
I've got no problem with them???they can be pretty lit.
I only have a main rake??soz
Because I always win?
Then it wouldn't be a hiding place?
Star Wars, the phantom menus ???
Bffffffff//gremlin ?and my original night thief??
The worlds already filled with so much hate. ?
My home slice??she feeds me well
?I'll be back in a flash makk? X say hello to benji for me
kept the pilots from getting too cold or going deaf while flying.?
Must have got caught in the stream,boetie?
Troy Bolton?HSM was my life
I only get amazing presents?
Fly a plane✨
When I let people walk all over me?
Zack Efron ??