Do you have a boyfriend?
If this is my mother, no.
your srsy perthec
Sh Im aloud to ppl
Just thought you should know; you're a cool kid. Don't let others bring you down and f*** everyone who thinks you're less than you are. Have a good night..
Mum, stop it you're embarras*ing me
You're the most beautiful human being on the planet, inside and out. I've been in love with you ever since I met you in year seven. I'm a girl by the way.
Seems legit.
ruby water u doing wit urself on this dumb website lol~~~
Fuq off chantal no one even likes u
if i could, i'd be the one to make you hit your international orgasm..
You ***** little shi*.
It's international orgasm day. Just saying. I thought it was appropriate.
i want to f*** you, hard
Oh wow, that's so kind of you.