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Ruby Affliction


Couldn\'t give 34 ****s

191 Replies

You are so fkn *exy

No I'm not

RubyNorthlane replied 4145 days ago

Best advice you received about relationships?

Ahahahaha **** if I got any then my past wouldn't be so ****ed up.

RubyNorthlane replied 4158 days ago

What happens when we die?

Heavens full and hell won't have me, won't you make some room in your bed?

RubyNorthlane replied 4163 days ago

You are really hot


RubyNorthlane replied 4163 days ago

Hot legs

Hot dog

RubyNorthlane replied 4163 days ago

Best body!


RubyNorthlane replied 4163 days ago

your such a fkn user, your so ugly and nobody actually likes you, they all ***** about you behind there back and your oblivious to it all. how you get boyfriends is a joke and you deserve to have no one in your life because your a rude fkn biatch

Alright here we go anon. Number 1: how am I a user? I have never used, I've been used myself and it's a horrible feeling which nobody should ever experience plus all of my relationships last over 4 months okay? 2: I may be a ugly but I don't actually give two ****ing ****s on what anybody thinks. I never did and never will. 3: people like me, I don't need a big group of friends to be considered "cool or popular" I have a good group of friends, all outside of school and I have a lot in school too. 4: a majority of my friends don't ***** about me behind my back and if they did I would know about it. And 5: I get a boyfriend because I'm a genuine person and not some attention seeking ***** writing on Anon just to get a kick out of someone. Seriously you don't know what I'm going through, what I'm like, what I've experienced, what I'm experiencing so why don't you leave it yeah?

RubyNorthlane replied 4163 days ago

Your'e ugly, soznotsoz The_Thruth__34

Y make me cri?

RubyNorthlane replied 4193 days ago 1

What do you think is the best feeling in the world?

Love. Pitty I don't and never will feel it

RubyNorthlane replied 4193 days ago

Why not bby? Ill make it good ;)

Who even is this?

RubyNorthlane replied 4195 days ago

Can I finger you?


RubyNorthlane replied 4196 days ago 2

*ex pls

I'm a nun so no

RubyNorthlane replied 4196 days ago

Your as* is grab able

Eff off creep

RubyNorthlane replied 4196 days ago

boo*s please


RubyNorthlane replied 4196 days ago

Who do you love?


RubyNorthlane replied 4197 days ago