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ruby_frankcombe x
Nice as and super pretty would like to get to know u a bit better as long as theres no kissing invovled
Say day (panda)!! And cant choose out of the girls :)
Im alright thanks :)
Eer meh gawddddd YOOOUUURR so HaWt
Yep but im not saying who
I know its say day im not that stupid
Well no
Yep <3
U bet i do!
Cant pick 5 :/
Soz there are heaps and i cant be botherd saying 5 :/
Probably grace williams coz ive known her for a long time and shes always been there for me!!!! :) xx
Thankyou !!!! xx
Yeah coz i like all the people in it but i dont really feel like i belong and there are alot pf fights :(
No im defintly not! But thanx xx
Dont have one :(
Aww i miss u sooooo much to Tsy come to norwood ;) haha and idk yet ask grace...
This will take me forever but...
April. Is amazing and beutiful luvherr
Cas* is also so pretty and amazing <3 xx
Monique. Is sames beutiful and so amazing xx
Grace. Is so beutiful and i luv her and have been
besties forever xx haha
Carla is super nice like really nice haha
Molly is a sweetie so nice and pretty
Julia is really pretty
Jenna is really nice and pretty
Ana is so nice and shes really funny haha
Bree is nice dont know her that much yet
Amanda is also nice same as bree though dont know her that much
Madi is really nice aswell
Chloe ... Well dont really know her that well
Sinead is really pretty funny and nice she my litle sis haha xx
Haha that was super long ...
Gorgeous amazing sweet hearts!! All like my best friends luv them <3 ;)
Haha i defintly cant choose 3!!!!!!
All really nice and pretty :P <3
Cas* is awesome and really pretty she is also a really amazing friend
Pretty and nice xx from wat i know
I dont really know the boys in my clas* that well .. Idk
Who is this??
Who is sinead??? Never heard of her...
Is that the chloe in my grade?