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Ask, lol, u know u dying to...

26 Replies

hAv U Made owt wif a gel

yeah , once. We were drunk and it was a bet. Didn't mean jeck.

RunwayGuru replied 4720 days ago


Oh father I hope this don't get me into trouble..
It was December of '11 @Zandis bday party, from there is just been ordinary pas*ionates nje. But that night, omw! L.. O.. L..

RunwayGuru replied 4720 days ago

Can i get ur fb profile

RunwayGuru replied 4720 days ago

mel o jowa ke mang

ke jowa ke ntatao, ene pipi ya hae e nyane. Ka ipotsa o entse jwang ka tsubilinki e kalonyana. O mmlele alo e enlarga.
I cud tell him nna mare i don wonna bruise his ego.

RunwayGuru replied 4866 days ago 1

Mel ke mang ya nketseng Beauty motho? Tell Beauty that wat goes around comes right back around , she also snithed Pitso frm a frnd!!!

Batho ba le pathetic hleng!
Hao botse yena Beauty keng otlo botsa nna?
Le otla pelo.

RunwayGuru replied 4874 days ago

so dd u download my profile pic romeo

Lol, i beg ur pardon...

RunwayGuru replied 4887 days ago

Dude watsup wit de skull nd bones tatoo arwnd yo wrist man. Thats so satanic, wats that abwt bra? U part of an occult of some.

Wot?? So having a Skull & Bones tattoo on my wrist makes me satanic?? Wow , tell me this. Is Pirates -the soccer team- satanic or occultists too ? Look, get the follow points straight, ayt?! 1. I care but VERY less bout wot u think of me and wot i do. 2. I maybe a lot of things but certainly not an occult or “satanic” as u may put it -i believe firmly in the Almighty, the Son and the Holy Spirit, even so Amen- 3. I dont allow social or individual perceptions and beliefs control or rule MY LIFE. And 4, dont make no mistake about 1.
Beside, good things never got any attention.

RunwayGuru replied 4898 days ago 1

Melvin o ngwana mang mare RunwayGuru

Lol, wa John le Maria Khumalo... Wena?

RunwayGuru replied 4901 days ago

I hed sm1 sy this hardcore, flynes nd outspoaknes of yos is all jst a front. Is it tru u ar actualy shy nd stil

No, it aint true. A ain fronting!

RunwayGuru replied 4902 days ago

May i get ur fb profile

O mang pele?

RunwayGuru replied 4904 days ago 2

U have **** buddies?

No comment

RunwayGuru replied 4904 days ago

Is u true u have a huge crush on this guy that happens to be ur friends man (Beauty)?

Ooh, no....sorry babe. Beautys' taste in men is waaaaay different from mine.
So no, that aint true! ;-)

RunwayGuru replied 4909 days ago

Hw do u fil abt me..?be honest plz

Bathong, wot m i supposed to feel for an anonymous admirer???

Reveal ur id next time u aks me such a qshn.. Silly Ho!

RunwayGuru replied 4909 days ago

Who are you dating currently and how many years you've together...? Mr.k.s.davids

Gosh...m actually back on the market hey., so yeah.
I'm single now! Got a plan for me?

RunwayGuru replied 4911 days ago

Guru, ur style and aura is soooo United Kingdom...
U waaaaaay too fly for ama S.A Fashion Week....
Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?
*star struck*

Wooow, Star Struck? Uhm....idk! Flyin\' coach, sippin\' cognac with my friends on my yatch, have Marc Jacobs; Chloé Louis Vuitton and Chanel BEG me to provide them with models (money no object kinda deals)
rnLol...ok, maybe in a 10 year period.
rn5 years??? My modeling agency will be at its maturing stage... Will have kicked as* in all Haute Cotoure shows and Haute Editorials and basicly living life abundently!
rnStar Struck! Lol, Win!

RunwayGuru replied 4913 days ago 1