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Dankie ?dm my?
Nope ?
Why you ask? does yours stink??
Nope just chilling ey ? why??
VP doesn't have much ?
But if I had to mention some
Carmen and Candice
Courtney E
Yeah that's all I can think of for now ??
Winning our match
Riding Motorbikes and hunting ?makes me forget about all the bullsht in today's society ☝
Joost van der Westhuizen ?
School ?
It was overrated
South African colours for martial arts and getting second place might not seem that
great but was and is my best accomplishment ?? one of the best days of my life?
Not thank me or my rents for letting them stay at our place ?
Take it day by day and whatever I choose to do must never be regretted ?
Don't know ?
If you wanna ask me questions then DM me in 17
There's a few ?
Causing kak ?and doing dumb sht
Really good friends ? wouldn't trade them for anything ? truely special twins ???
Business, bio , Geo ?
?? okay have you ever drank with me properly? Doubt it
The way I carry myself ? I come across as being cocky but I'm not ??
I don't know probably not otherwise I'd be there still ??
Mxm ?Nah ??
Get on my dirt bike and go ride ?
Yeah my brother coming down to visit and seeing my best mate on the weekend for a young game of beer pong ?
Kinda but not really cause of exams coming up so don't want to get into anything ey ?
That those who seem like your true friends are the ones who will never be there when you need them
Report ?
Being asked to answer questions in class of work that I don't know ?
I don't know ??
I don't know ?
900mil build a sik house and to build own track and have a sht load of bikes
Hey thx ??
Vegetables ??
Nothing she's my friend ?
Jho to many ?
Been a few ey the roughest one probs calium the like chilled eish jordz and then like a rough start to Mellow ending my best mate Luke ? sht is mental ??
I don't know fck ? I rate I'm a good person at the moment ?
Danielle De Necker
Chane Cox ain't bad
My ex ?
Bianca I guess ?
fck I dna ?? VP don't have much to look at ???
Josh scummy gent
Kyle b
I Don't ey ?
Top two people my mates Max and Dyl
But also the rest of my mates they are in my one post on Instagram it's of us at a jol yeah those guys ??and my mate Luke
Top two people my mates Max and Dyl
But also the rest of my mates they are in my one post on Instagram it's of us at a jol yeah those guys ??
Don't know her that well but no I don't cause who the fck cares what she does its her life and people always give others a name because of one thing that happened ??
She is cool I guess don't know her that well ??
fcking good photography ? and she is cool ? #myklipspatcher ??
Depends ? mostly have only had blonde or brunettes ??
She is cool ? always seems to be watching our group at school as if we are famous people ???
Wanneer my bike weer spark ????
Not to bad ey ? I don't know her that we'll ??
Alot ???
Thanks not sure ey ? DM this made me laugh ??
Yas ??
You only have one life so live it how you want and not how others want you to live it ?
Awe cool man clearly you don't know anything ?but well done on trying to think you do ?? maybe next time you'll get it right ?
Never chose Courtney over hannah stop with this bullsht me and Hannah are over and it's in the past so stop with these questions about me and Hannah and why we ended and kak it's irritating
I dna ??
Thx ??
Why you so interested in knowing ?
Thanks ?? even tho I disagree ??
People Saying sht about other people that ain't true
Looks like you thought wrong ?
Awe cool man I have never run Hannah's name down and clearly u should check your facts
Altyd ? maar I learnt it from the best ??
About you DM me then we chat about it
Apple's ? they taste better ??
People who always have to be right and people who won't take any advice ???
DM me ? I saw alot of people at jbay open ???
That I will never have enough time to ride my offroad bike as one can't simple put a time limit on that ?
I have my reasons
Shame poor them
Everything they hate ?
I'm dating someone at the moment
Everything ???
Who this? ???
It's time for u to come back ??
She knows
Who pop? ??
I guess everyone has got their own opinion really ? what u think of me doesn't phase me really ? and yeah got scars so what doesn't phase me at all something I just got to live with ey ?
And if I had to guess who said this it's probably someone who I called ugly or its their friend trying to help them out on trying to bring me down and make me feel sht sorry for you better luck next time ??
Nope never said I'm best friends or anything with her ??where u get that from ?
Pies from a garage when on a road trip ??
Not sure ey?
Which one know a few Nikki's
Riding bike and hunting ??
Drugs and buying stuff they don't need or buying double of what they already have
What about them? If u asking if I'm single yeah I am ?? loner for life ?