Most expensive thing you have?
My guitar amp. She's beautiful.
On that note about a wish list. There is no wish, only DO. I DONT SEE NO DAMN AXE FX thestevierenee
How many kids do you want to have?
One or two :) That day's a while off yet though.
Have you ever farted in public?
Every. Single. Day.
Why didnt cha *** out clubbin last nyte ya poof?
Not enuf sweg.
Smartphone that is on your wishlist?
Do not wish! DO. There is no wish. Do, or do not. There is no wish.
What's your biggest fear in life? spongysponge
That I'll be old realise and have done nothing with my life. But at the same time, that drives me.
I'm also glad you two are done, you were different around her and you werent happy. You need a girl you can be yourself around.
Thanks, whoever you are :) And to everyone else that's been sending these kinds if "questions", thanks for the support, but answering a lot of the questions will just cause trouble, haha :) Don't want this to turn into a *****fest!
Can you sit in my lounge room and play blues music for me all day, I'll give you like, $20 a day! A DAY!
I can!
If you could have hulk powers, what would you smash first?
Would you rather kiss Russel Crowe or Hugh Jackman?
Whoever has the biggest beard at the time.
If you had to save a baby monkey from death, let's make it trapped in a volcano. Would you be willing to take your pants off while you do it?
Pants just slow me down.
Can you honestly say you'd choose personality over looks?
Definitely. Obviously looks play a factor as well, but if they're not interesting, why would anyone be I be interested?
Ever had *exual feelings towards an inanimate object? I have.
Gotta love dem manakin models. Mmmm mmmm mmmmmm!
Some people use this just to make statements about your past relationships. This is for questions. *uck. Let this kid grow his hair as long as he wants. Let him *uck whoever he wants.
Amen. I do find it a little amusing though ;)
Batman or Superman? ...Choose wisely.
Superman, errydai.
What's the story behind the rusty crutch?
Pubes and incorrect spelling of the word "crotch".
Can you please learn some Frozen songs on guitar? Thanks.
Yes. You're welcome.
I like you're hair. For the record.
Put yourself, Andrew and Tom in order of *exiness.
Drink more, party more, have lots of one night stands, get less haircuts, get in more trouble.. you won't be young forever.
The question is: how old are you?
I'm 12 and what is this?
I hope I'm doing these right, my last question didn't show up.
Would you prefer to have your face eaten by a lion or a gorilla?
A gorrilla. Then I could be the guy who got his face eaten by a gorilla.
Get your haircut
I can't. Think of the children.
How *exy is Jon waters on a scale of 1 to 2
Roughly, a 2.
Are you going to cut your hair now?
No. HA!
Laura isn't a negative person. Maybe you just couldn't appreciate how beautiful of a girl she really is. You don't even deserve her. I'm glad you two are separated if you have that kind of attitude towards her. Go **** yourself Reece, she's better without you
Alrighty then..
So what happened with you and Laura??
Nothing dramatic, really.
I think the main factor was that we had very little in common.. If a relationship is going to last, I think you both have to have at least SOME similar interests, and I came to realise that Laura and I had none.
Laura tended to be quite negative a lot of the time. So eventually that started to take it's toll on me, which is another leading factor as to why I ended it, and I'm glad I did, because I'm LOVING life now. I'm happier than I've been in a long, long time. :)
When are you getting your hair cut?
When it starts to drag along the ground too much.. ;)
Can I cut your hair? It'll look real nice.
Love your face m8.
Thnx m8ey pot8ey!
Death by smiles.
The worst way to go. Dreadful.
Don't laugh.
I never do... I. NEVER. DO.
This is private internet.
How did you find this?
This is my personal computer.
Do you like Anathema?!
Can't say I've heard them :O Just had a look at a few songs. Pretty chilled out stuff! Easy listening :)
Reece, I have been watching you for some time. After long examination i ask you, Why are you such a f*****?
I'm flattered <3
Money or Love ?
I can live without money.
Do i even ****in' know you ****?
Which celebrity would you leave your girl or boyfriend for?
I wouldn't! But in saying that, I do think Emma Watson is a bit of a studmuffin.
Would you fart on me?
I'd fart on anyone.
I ain't scared.
What are your thoughts on Tony Abbott?
........... I've given you the answer you deserve.
Are you a thirteen year old girl?
Oh, those were the days..
If you had to choose the worst band in the world, why would it be Dream Theatre?
I've never heard of a band called Dream Theatre.
Does the size of your p**** affect your emotional stability?
Yeah.. I get pretty HUNG up about it..
If you had to give a rough guess on the size of your **** what would it be out of tiny to pretty small?
Pretty tiny.
Pretty tiny, indeed.
Why are you so *exy?
Some things just can't be helped, I guess!
But, uhhhh, thanks!
Thoughts on ryan murphy?
But in all seriousness, he's a top bloke! A little bit shy, but if you give him a chance, he's a great dude :)