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Ask me anything you like anonymously

47 Replies

Most expensive thing you have?

My guitar amp. She's beautiful.

Rustycrutch replied 3829 days ago

On that note about a wish list. There is no wish, only DO. I DONT SEE NO DAMN AXE FX thestevierenee


Rustycrutch replied 3866 days ago

How many kids do you want to have?

One or two :) That day's a while off yet though.

Rustycrutch replied 3880 days ago

Have you ever farted in public?

Every. Single. Day.

Rustycrutch replied 3897 days ago

Why didnt cha *** out clubbin last nyte ya poof?

Not enuf sweg.

Rustycrutch replied 3918 days ago

Smartphone that is on your wishlist?

Do not wish! DO. There is no wish. Do, or do not. There is no wish.

Rustycrutch replied 3925 days ago

What's your biggest fear in life? spongysponge

That I'll be old realise and have done nothing with my life. But at the same time, that drives me.

Rustycrutch replied 3926 days ago 1

I'm also glad you two are done, you were different around her and you werent happy. You need a girl you can be yourself around.

Thanks, whoever you are :) And to everyone else that's been sending these kinds if "questions", thanks for the support, but answering a lot of the questions will just cause trouble, haha :) Don't want this to turn into a *****fest!

Rustycrutch replied 3926 days ago

Can you sit in my lounge room and play blues music for me all day, I'll give you like, $20 a day! A DAY!

I can!

Rustycrutch replied 3926 days ago

If you could have hulk powers, what would you smash first?


Rustycrutch replied 3926 days ago 1

Would you rather kiss Russel Crowe or Hugh Jackman?

Whoever has the biggest beard at the time.

Rustycrutch replied 3926 days ago

If you had to save a baby monkey from death, let's make it trapped in a volcano. Would you be willing to take your pants off while you do it?

Pants just slow me down.

Rustycrutch replied 3926 days ago

Can you honestly say you'd choose personality over looks?

Definitely. Obviously looks play a factor as well, but if they're not interesting, why would anyone be I be interested?

Rustycrutch replied 3926 days ago

Ever had *exual feelings towards an inanimate object? I have.

Gotta love dem manakin models. Mmmm mmmm mmmmmm!

Rustycrutch replied 3926 days ago

Some people use this just to make statements about your past relationships. This is for questions. *uck. Let this kid grow his hair as long as he wants. Let him *uck whoever he wants.

Amen. I do find it a little amusing though ;)

Rustycrutch replied 3926 days ago