What is Keisha Shawe to you?
She’s my everything .❤️?
Azraa Davids ?
My bestie , and a wonderful girl .❤️?
Who is "K"?
The girl I love sfm .❤️
How's life?
Lifes amazing , couldn’t be any better .?
You going to vibe with Kauthar ?
Nah bro , we done ?
still with kauthar??
Nah we done long time , we moved on . ?
What’s your favorite WhatsApp group chats name?
The Ouens JR .?
What made you happy today? 100+
My brasse .???
Vhet forgot what I was gna say but anyway ? you have a nice personality ⚡
Thanks ❤️
Did you evr hv a girl best frnd
Yes I did and still do .
What did your last relationship teach you?
Some people are worth the wait.❤
Fav person rn?
Fav person rn?
Brag about yourself. What are you really good at doing?
What will you never ever do again?
Break Kauthar Boraan's heart. ❤
What would you choose ?
Your Trumpet ?
Both is my life. But I'll choose rugby and then music.
Bra some salt just burnt that chicken
OK. Enjoy
Do you like Yusrah .P and in that way
Yusrah is just my friend. My friend that always looks like she's gerook
Who do you go to when you have problems?
My girlfriend and my close friends
How much exes did you have in the past..
Quite a few.
How much money do you need right now and why ?
A lot, for a lot of things
What do you no longer waste time on?
False People
What do you want for your bday?
I'm not really picky. I accept what I get.
I wanted to ask you something but I don't know what to ask you so I'm just gonna tell you that, I like your haircut
Thanks anon.❤
Dm me.
What popular thing doesn't appeal to you?
I don't even know
What do you need to get off your chest right now?
The girl I smaak
Best relationship ?
I don't really know. Because I have two that was the best
When's your bday?
18 August
What's your dogs name?
Doggie. Nagani for you anon
What kind of dog do you have?
Nagani, I have a lekker dog.
Why did you leave and not say anything ???
What are you talking about.
Just Dm me anonymous
Best friend?
I don't even know who my own best friend is.
Do you like your dog
Of course, I do
Must I then hate it.
The secret to a good friendship is... ?
I think, Loyalty
What colour is your dog
My dogs brown mb.??
What do people brag about that you don't find impressive at all?
What is your favorite hobbies
Photography is one of my hobbies
Do you have a dog ?
Yes I do.
What are you bad at ?
I'm bad at sleeping.
New girl best friend?
And who's that.
I skat it's Kelsey but, it's alright
I haven't seen you in forever ? [Just kidding] .
??Miss you . . .
-Jordan ?? J . .
Awe, jy I self miss you.❤
Hope to see you soon neh.?
Who's Meghan Hayes ?
Meghan Hayes is Girl that goes to my school bru.?
And she's also a friend of mine.
What scholl
I attend Fairbairn College bruv.??
Lief vir jou Liefie?❤
Your best friend xx?
Jk. It's just me Nicole ??
Lief vir jou ook liefie.????
What do you want for your birthday
New Phone ?
Why are you happy today?
Cause someone makes me happy
What makes you instantly like a person?
Their Personality and their attitude
I want to ask you something but I don't know what to ask??
Hos, Ask man I don't mind..
Who ever this is
Why did we drift apart ?
I don't know..
Hos don't koppel a senti there.?
Stay positive mahn.??
What is a waste of money to you?
A waste of money to me is...
Nicole Smith and Chandre Saunders??
What about them?
That's my baby's that?
Instagram name ?
It's boetiery
What percentage is your phone's battery on right now?
R u hhorney
You sieka *****.?
Like links??
Hos I don't vang bra
Like paterson?
What you wys??
I don't vang
Lauern-lee Jacobs??
Yes...What's it
Why you so lekker man?
I'm just lekker man. That's just me being myself
What do u like doing more by yourself?
Like gyming by myself..
So ya
What is your greatest regret ?
Don't really know
Describe yourself in three words ?
If you could be on the cover of any magazine , which would you choose ?