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RyanMurphy1 replied 3279 days ago

Do you think Tommy should be captain again, or time for Andy to step up?

I nominate myself to captain. Get the youth to lead the Panthers glory.

RyanMurphy1 replied 3279 days ago

Don't you think it's weird that you talk to 16 year old girls and your 21?

Nah I don't. I'm friends with people all different ages. That's all. Why can't I have friends?

RyanMurphy1 replied 3292 days ago 1

Why you soo amazing?!

Because I am so amazing. :)

RyanMurphy1 replied 3292 days ago

Thoughts on meee biancashanks

Your amazing haha. You make me smile, know how to make me laugh, your a little cutie and I'm happy your one of my best friends hehe xx

RyanMurphy1 replied 3293 days ago 1

What do you need to improve on to make your cricket better?

Can always improve on something but mainly batting

RyanMurphy1 replied 3293 days ago

Who inspires you the most at your cricket club? Who would you like to be good as and why?

I don't really have any inspiration at the club and I want to be as good as I can be

RyanMurphy1 replied 3293 days ago

Gday Ryan, are you playing cricket again this season or concentrating on reffing? I was talking to someone you play cricket with and they said you was a realy great bowler and if you take the coaches advice you will prob be a grade all year.

Not sure yet. Hard decision

RyanMurphy1 replied 3293 days ago 1

Inbox you what? I was just saying well bloody done! Your actually talking to a decent person, not a complete stuck up *****.

Whatever Ryan, I'm over it!

I'm just talking to a friend. That is all.

RyanMurphy1 replied 3294 days ago

I simply won't complement you any more.
You wonder why no ones talks to you, because you turn everything around and make it out to be 'bullying'. Trust me I'm the last person that would bully you. But whatever mate

If you were my mate you would inbox me and not hide behind annom

RyanMurphy1 replied 3294 days ago

Can people not have other s.e.x friends? Haha seriously whoever is sending them to both myself and Ryan please stop cause it it annoying... biancashanks

Thanks you! People in this generation doesnt know that you can have friends off anyone. People just assume and think bullying is alright when really there all ****ed in the head

RyanMurphy1 replied 3294 days ago 1

Shanks ay ;)
Go get her boy.

Why don't people understand. Only friends nothing more

RyanMurphy1 replied 3294 days ago 1

Who would you take a bullet for?

People that have meaning in my life and that don't use me

RyanMurphy1 replied 3475 days ago 1

What is attractive about you?

You tell me

RyanMurphy1 replied 3477 days ago 1

What do you miss about your childhood?

Being a child

RyanMurphy1 replied 3486 days ago