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Ryan Devine


Assssssssssk Awaaay

119 Replies

How much is enough money for you?

ahhah you can never have enough money

Ryandeviine replied 3948 days ago

thoughts Mardyy

ahhah you seem very out going and kinda shame ya moved out west but hope BC's treating ya well!

Ryandeviine replied 3955 days ago

Prettiest/Nicest gr 12 girls?:)

ahhah gotta be specific, the nicest gr 12 girls and the prettiest are SO different

Ryandeviine replied 3985 days ago 1

5 hottest gr 10s

hahah all real young rn but Hannah Earle, Alexx Lauzon, Emma colman, alex mudler, Kayla willaims,

Ryandeviine replied 3985 days ago

***** Do u like Alexa?

not sure whats the first words supposed to say but ya i like her but not in the way i think youre getting at, shes a friends ex

Ryandeviine replied 3985 days ago

That thing that irritate you about your friend?

cloooosed minded

Ryandeviine replied 3986 days ago

How big is your TV?


Ryandeviine replied 4023 days ago

Pretty girls younger than you ?


Ryandeviine replied 4025 days ago

If you could ask your future self one question what would it be?

did you enjoy your life?

Ryandeviine replied 4025 days ago

names of hot gr10s

too many too name ;)

Ryandeviine replied 4033 days ago

Good job today ryan

hey thanks anon!

Ryandeviine replied 4033 days ago

Hot grade 10s?

ahhah theres a few

Ryandeviine replied 4033 days ago

When you help someone, do you ever think, “What’s in it for me?”

For the most part no, but sometimes yea

Ryandeviine replied 4033 days ago

One thing you want to say to someone right now, but can't or aren't brave enough to?

said it all today finally (Y)

Ryandeviine replied 4033 days ago

Pretty grade 11s

Katrina Bernard, Maddy basso, Candace Fowlie, sam Eastman, there's a ton

Ryandeviine replied 4059 days ago