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Ryley Cambridge


Ask me anything you like anonymously

133 Replies

Hows it going?

Pretty good , going to France tomorrow

RyleyVictoria replied 4023 days ago

do you know why nathan isn't talking to me? :(

Maybe I would if I knew who this was :$

RyleyVictoria replied 4023 days ago

Why are you still friends with brenda?

Because she's a good friend she's always there and can always make me smile when I'm upset. I'm not leaving her anytime soon

RyleyVictoria replied 4023 days ago

why so pretty?

My mama ❤️

RyleyVictoria replied 4023 days ago

why are you and Brenda not talking?!?!

That\'s kinda for me and Brenda to know only.. Sorry.

RyleyVictoria replied 4347 days ago 2

a good friend ;)

Oh hey ;)

RyleyVictoria replied 4347 days ago

thoughts on sam, madison, kenzie, sean, emily h, olivia h

Sam; said a nice one before (a) really miss having her around as much as she used to be :(

Madison: I\'ve actually known Madison for so long! Our moms are friends nd they used to work together at mcdonalds and now we work together there at the same one so I think that\'s pretty sick! Madison\'s actually like one of the nicest people I know she\'s just so gentle and caring! She would never hurt anyone on purpose and I love that about her! She\'s also really funny and fun to be with! We\'re not that close but last year when we used to be it was a lot of fun! I miss her :(

Kenzie : I\'ve wrote her a long one before but basically she\'s really small and pretty and I think she\'s an amazing role model for so many people :)

Sean : Sean\'s actually so funny, i love her laugh.. It always makes me laugh! We used to talk a bit in grade nine and hangout sometimes but now we never do! I always love talking to her though she is not boring at all! And she\'s also so like sweet.. You can tell she tries her hardest to be an amazing friend and I really like that about her! :)

Emily ; given before. She\'s really pretty and fit though but don\'t know her too well.

Olivia: we used to hangout in grade 9, it was fun she\'s really funny and laughs a lot ! She\'s pretty easy to talk to and I love her facial expressions just I don\'t know her too well anymore :$

RyleyVictoria replied 4347 days ago

i think you're really pretty and your boyfriend is really lucky to have an awesome person like you

Awe thank you :$ who is this?

RyleyVictoria replied 4347 days ago

Thoughts on gator?? Mikey83

No :)

RyleyVictoria replied 4347 days ago 1

Thoughts on ashley roeun?

I love Ashley, she\'s so sweet and friendly and I loved having camp outs with her in the summer! Campfire swimming movies and trampoline all might long uh miss it a lot and her .. She\'s amazing , love her! And I like playing UNO with her every lunch (a)

RyleyVictoria replied 4347 days ago

thoughts on
brenda hernandez
shannon rigby
shania stacey
amy ridDic*

pretty sure ive answered to all these girls before (a)
but whatever time for more nice things; theyre my favs ;)

brenda- below is enough to say for now.. if you want long thoughts read previous answers.

shannon- she's one of the easiest people to talk to, we have a lot of fights.. well have but i cant see anything stopping me from talking to her in total...she's actually an amazing girl, shes so sweet and is always there for her friends.. she's pretty trustworthy.. we've been through many fights but she's always kept my secrets to herself and thats one great thing about her. she's also beautiful<3 i love shannon (a)

shania- she's actually like an amazing friend. i dont understand why so many people dislike her.. but whatever theyre missing out. she's so fun to be with. i love watching movies with her :') can quote them all for everrr! she's actually one of my closest friends for sure. i'd say she's top 5:) love her so much. she's also soooo beautiful.. and lucky because that gurl can eat. but yet she's still super fit. like whyyyy :( iwish. but yeah she's gorgeous and her and brandon are super cute together and i just want them to last forever :')

amy- mmmmmmmmm. love amy she's another one of my closest friends, we can have sleepovers where we just talk forever.. about everything and anything. i love that amy's like an open book ;) im lame for saying that but whatever i just like that she doesnt care what people think of her! she's a good role model ;) she's also fun to drink with, i mean except when she runs awaay ... but pictures with her are the best! i love amy too :)

RyleyVictoria replied 4347 days ago

Thoughts On Brenda?!?!

i love brenda and always will.. but were not talking right now, so im not going to say anything and regret it later. she's perfect guise. dont hate.

RyleyVictoria replied 4347 days ago

thoughts? :3 SydneyElizabeth

You seem like an amazing friend ! I honestly love being with you at lunches! You\'re so funny and nice ! I actually really want to be close friends! I feel like you\'d be a real friend for sure! Hopefully we can hangout outside of school some time :) and omg I\'m so excited for your birthday dinner, got it booked off work ;)

RyleyVictoria replied 4348 days ago 1

Honest thoughts- Your wonderful, amazing friend named Tristan :D

Um didn\'t we just go over this through text , aha kidding um well we\'ve had quite the weird relationship. But you\'re one of my best friends, you\'re super nice and very trustworthy and so funny. I love how weird I can be with you and you don\'t judge. You\'re actually an amazing person an our game at lunch today well it was a good attempt! I can\'t wait till we hangout and watch mean girls! Yeah you\'re amazing! Seriously, kbye :)

RyleyVictoria replied 4350 days ago

imma hit this voom voom like its my last

Oh okay

RyleyVictoria replied 4350 days ago