Caitlin enjoys touching licking your v***** in your sleep
Well okay
What's your favourite flavour of condom??
Easily chocolate
What do you miss about your childhood?
Thoughts on Matt Gelevivs
His a siq lad
Hello Shaun how are you today?
I'm good
do you like alannah
As a friend
Where do you want to live when you older?
In a house
What is your ringtone?
Beep beep
The most unreliable person you know ?
Who are you dating?
No one
who do u like? what's her name or start of the letter?
Why should I tell u
One thing you like about yourself?
Ever had your heart broken? If so by who?
What annoyed you today?
What makes people boring?
When there dead
Do you prefer baseball over cricket or viseversa
Defiantly baseball over cricket
Who r u your 5 bffs
Mehr brad Kyle josh and myself
Your nice your funny and your kind :) havnt talked n a while tho
Name a person you lied to today
Like all of them
What do you s*ck at?
Being nice
Do you even want to be friends with Caitlin ?
Don't care
thoughts on Hayley :)
She's really nice but she can be mean :)
Are you and Caitlin even friends anymore I never see you two hanging out
Not really
would u go out with Caitlin again
Probaly not
just say the start of ur crushes name
None of your business and why do you care anyway
what does the crushes first letter start with?
How about no
What is your nickname?
Don't have one
who u crushing on?
A girl
Who's your crush
A person
Thoughts on Livvy ? Honest xx
She's ok a little bit annoying
Thoughts on caityy ? Honest
She's nice and friendly
How long would you like to live for?
thoughts on Hayley?
Nice we don't talk much and she's cute
What turns you off in a girl/guy ?
thoughts on Jana McConnell?
She's nice and friendly and attractive
What is success to you?
What is success to you
s*ck a deck black as*
Which girl at mooroolbark would u most like to date
Kik meh hertz111
thoughts on Kaitlyn?
She's nicish and a. It annoying
3 best guy friends 3 best girl friends
Mehr josh Jesse Megan Keeley kaitlyn
thoughts on Keely Hocking?
One of my best friends really nice and sweet
If you could delete one thing from this earth what could it be?
Perfect people
why do you hate maddy?
just do
Y do u ignore me I thought we were friends :(
kik me hertz111
Your next smartphone?
Don't want one
Who do you think is dying next on Game of thrones?
The worst thing that happend to you this week?
What do u do when ur going out with someone but ur best friends likes u and u don't know what to do because u think u might like them a little bit too? ~ confused :( I just need help
Depends which one you like more and you don't want to ruin the friendship you have with your best friend I've ruined it it's not good but I guess it's really up to you
How much can a swag swing if a swoog sweg swag swig swoog
None cause he would be a f**
Your a winner love you
Thx love
do you bang da booce
I don't understand
Are you the weird as in speaking Latin backwards while lighting a gecko on fire, or weird as in ripping a cats internal organs out, eating the organs than shocking the skin and bone in a bong?
Probaly both
Who is Jacob I'm just deep mad in love WIRH you
Im sure you are
closest guy bestfriends?
Mehr josh n Ethan
You're so *exy a babe.I love you and I wanna marry you and worship you cause you're the best person ever.Love me back
Is this Jacob
closest girl bestfriends?
Megan and Keeley
so you like Megan more than keeley as friends?
There equal nut Megan would get along better with the other boys
do you like Megan more than a friend?
if you were to give someone a hug right now who would it be?
if you were to pick one guy friend and one girl friend to take on a holiday from your classes who would you pick?
Mehr josh and Megan
Don't talk much but your nice
Who would you take a bullet for?
Practically every one
Who is this?Im gonna win your tv show
Yes yes you will
honest thoughts on Maddy Yeomans
Don't like her
Ur cute xxxx
Probs spam but thx
Ur hot !!!
Probs spam but thx
What do you think about these girls? (They went to your primary school) Emma, Jess, Alexandra, molly and caity?
They didn't go to my primary school
Do you like Alannah Fischer more than a friend?
do you care about anyone else even if they aren't as pretty as some people?!
Ummm are you trying to if I think looks matter
who is your #1 closest girl best friend? (you have to pick one)
I don't know
i love you. your so hot
Kik me
What happened (with you and caity)
Mutual brake up
Hey are you and caity still dating?
don't listen to them you tried with jaymie and it obviously didn't work out don't out yourself down because of it
I havnt
Oh ok....Sorry to hear
Atlest you tried
Thx mate
Everyone believes you have the moves we are all cheering you on just do it she'll say yes
She said no
Ask Jaymie out
Already did
You can ask Jaymie out believe mate
Already did
You should ask Jamie out you can do it
She'll say no
hey tell mehr Keeley doesn't like him like she thinks he is nice but she reeeeeeally doesn't like him in that way whatsoever thanks dude
in your metalwork class who should date who to make a cute couple?
Keeley and angus
Who do you like xx
Kik me hertz111
Hottest year 8 in your year level?
Idk there's it's a hard choice
If you could have been closer to 5 girls in primary school who would they be?
Megan jac jade Elissa and Gemma
If you had to choose one person, and the other would be killed, would you choose Caity or your mum??
My mum