Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Haven't really watched anything that s*cked...
Don't watch it, sorry guys...
A really old Telstra phone, with an aerial...
One where I get asked some questions... -.- Nah, seriously, it would be a day filled with spending time with the people I love and just a great day overall. :))))
People who mean something to me...
For my guitar strings to never break. *sighs in defeat*
Walk up and down the corridors of a hospital, pretending to need a walking stick.
To twelvies were talking- Girl- Hey, do you think my mum is a virgin? Other Girl- Maybe, do you think she is? Girl- Yeah, i'm pretty sure she is. -.-*
Hahaha idek right now!! I have uncontrolable happiness!! When people are mean, losing people, stuff like that! But lets all be happy because its a lot more fun!!!
Umm depends. I have been in boy-best friend kinda situations but not really a boyfriend. It depends what your definition of boyfriend is..... So yes but no... Idk message me and I'll tell you the full story.
Not at the moment, as my friends would say- "I'm single and ready to mingle" Yeah look no, I'm happy single! :DDDD
I'll be 14 in 36 days (on 26th of May) :D
Um I have no idea who you are but I imagine you are an amazing person! You are beautiful and always there. If you would like a more accurate tbh you can message me!
My hats. Definately my hats- Beanies, Caps etc... I just love them, don't even know why! Ha
Hahaha Final Destination 3! And if I was supposed to see someone behind me.... Hahahaha was actually singing this yesterday.... o.0 MIND READERS!!!!
Hahahaha ok den... but we're not together... he's married remember? Shion? Dianya? Hahaha nah he's a friend... but too creepy for my likings... Plus I don't like him... someone else... but you don't know who! And you won't find out unless YOU INBOX ME!!!! Hahaha don't be shy! If you really want to know, offers there.... :)
Dion- He is really creepy! Like seriously... He can be a pretty funny but if your thinking what I think your thinking NO WAY! He is no closer than a friend... yeah. Tommy- He is just really annoying specially when he takes like 30000000 hours at his locker since its below mine.. Have had some laughs about things but nah, he's just a guy i know. Isaac- I find it really awkward with him about all the stuff last year with crisaac and isatina and stuff... but nah he's nice and funny, but no. I REPEAT NO HE IS JUST A FRIEND! In all I do not like any of these guys more than friends. Thats that.
Nah not here, if you want to know message me on fb or skype or something! Hehehehe <3
Yes! Multiple times! And if you tell me who you are I will go to school the next day with it straightened! Hahah or if you go to another school I will post pics on fb.... hahahahaha!
Heaps of things.... Friends, family, music.. Oh playing the guitar! My favourite pass time!
too many to name bro can't think of just one....
Many many people, best friends, family, One Direction, other famous people, and lots lots more. Can't be stuffed naming them....
HAHAHAHAHAHA! Depends... I wouldn't really call it dating them..... hahaha but anyway would rather not bring it up...
idk a lot of things....
I know who you are 0_0
Hahahaha umm tbh, idek... There's guys I think are hot but not really crushing on them....but yeah don't know :P
Hahahaha, because I can... And I now have a new personal stalker!! yay! It's been a while, but I have to say i'm pretty excited!! hahaha thanks :) Whats first? Watching me sleep? Following me home? Or starting with 'mysterious' messages on this? hahahaha X'D
Hahaha idk alot of things....
My best friends, people who I have only just met so they can judge me before we get close (only if I trust them tho..... only like 1 person has reached these requirements) and family :)
Thank you very very much!! I quite enjoy having my birthday multiple times a year, but my favourite is probably the one on the 26th of May! Hahahahahahaha XD
Heeeeey der! Wassup brah! Hahaha :)
The rides are carnivals.... It was like $10 for one ride and it wasn't even that good :
Well I think if you broke up in the first place then unless you fixed the problem that caused you to break up, it's better to not. In my opinion. :)
Well I don't have any looks so yeah probs intelligence for looks but honestly none. Hah I'm happy the way I am
The one in my room is medium but the one in the lounge room is as big as the wall! :P
Was it worth it? I would ask if all the negative things i've been put through were worth it. And probably ask some other things but can't think of them now :) Hahaha lol idek. I'm just bored because life is boring without seeing everyone. Got to catch up if anyone is reading this :P
Ripped short-shorts, black singlet and snapback :P
Ummm nothing really.... well some things but wouldn't post it one here..... Nahh i've already said most of the things that I wanted to say, it was my new years resolution thingy and I have pretty much achieved all of them :)
Maddi- Really nice, funny and always gives me and ara weird looks when we have laugh attacks Shae- Really nice, funny and randomly says hi at any unexpected moment Sophie- Don't really talk to her but seems nice and from what i've heard is quite funny Kira- We used to talk alot, very funny and always used to join me and ara when we have laugh attacks,always really nice to me.
Haha lol nice! wassup up brothah? ;) Haha idk :)
Taylor Swift? Well I used to really like her music, but then I dunno it just got old and when One Direction came out I just liked them better. Yeah don't hate her, don't love her... just another musician to be completely honest. :)
Already sent this on Facebook, but when we first became friends she was really nice and great to talk to then it just kinda became awkward and yeah... now we just don't talk...
Umm thanks, but whats that supposed to mean? Like my profile picture or.... haha thanks anyway :)
Haha umm whats going on... like getting 2 questions the same :P
Nup, I'm always happy to help! :) haha
Naww thanks! :) Love ya! <3 Ok well back to you- Your amazing, awesome to talk too, beautiful and just all the way hilarious! Haha it's great how we look at each other and can virtually make each other laugh by facial expressions! <3 haha
Haha yes so many times it's not even funny! lol The most recent time I came close to was when riptide by Vance Joy first came out, I was obsessed with it so one mornng it came on the radio, I screamed then mum came in worried someone was being murdered! Lol funny times! XD
There is alot of things, but the one thing I would do is go up to everyone I have ever wanted to talk to and just have the most amazing conversation with them. Yeah because I'm just like so shy and my self confidence is like -110 so yeah that would be good. Anything else i'd end up doing anyway like skydiving or something :P lol
I've learnt that........... Friends are the best thing you could possibly have in your life, without them you are nothing. Friends make you laugh like you've never laughed before and it's just the best feeling to know people think and care about you. Haha don't really have a specific person this is about because all of my friends are amazing! Haha if you read this, I love you!! <3
Most of the time they probably think i'm crazy, or just a little bit messed up.. Haha ;) Idk really I have heard of alot of different thoughts from others.....
Ca$h!!! Haha lol yeah idk..
Yeah, heard from multiple people that I spend too much time on it, so I will go on tonight then stay off until Friday :)
Got no idea who you are but I swear when I read that I actually half sang it like a rap! Hahaha but yes please spam me, it's so much fun! Or trolling... trollolololoolol lol Hahaha just SO HAPPY! <3
tbh for who? Lol your anonymous remember? Haha :P
1. My confidence in talking to new people, stop being shy and being able to not go all awkward. 2. Be healthier as in do more running, clear my acne and eat healthier! :P
Well I get the lame ones from you of course, but then the other jokes are my own material, ya know? Like that one I told you about the 2 dudes with that camel?? Hahaha that was hilarious!! :P Luv ya bro! <3
Hahaha hey, yeah i'm annoying because it's just in my nature! Haha But my friends don't mind because my real friends will laugh and take it as a joke, But others will never understand and always see me as annoying! :p Hahaha mega lolz right! #notsureifserious
Well not annoying but the funniest laughs I ever heard are Ara's, Cheree-Ann's, Natalie's, Sharanya's sarcastic laugh and many more that I can't think of at the moment...
My bestfriends and just really close people. Like they know everything, sometimes my parents don't even know some things that my close friends do!!! o.0
Naawww thanks anon! I'm sure your awesome too! <3
I'm good thanks anon how are you? :)
Well I look at my clock, if it's after 7:30 I will slowly attempt getting up, faceplant into my pillow fall asleep for about 5 minutes then get up. If it's before 7:30 refer to the above note but instead of 5 minutes it's until someone wakes me up.
Yes, I believe I am because I had a friend tell me something that they didn't want anyone else to know and 7 years later, to this day I haven't told ANYONE that thing. And about being nice, if your nice to me, I'll be nice to you. It's as simple as that. Oh and if this is the person that I think it is (may or may not be idk.) please stop asking me things like this because you know what happened and why I reacted like that. You can't hold a grudge on me forever and if it is you, please stop because i've had enough of how your treating me. If it is not you i am terribly sorry for you having to read this. You know who you are.
TBH probs no-one. It's hard to trust people. They need to earn my trust, prove to me that they are trustworthy and some of them are close to that, but some are further than the sun.
Ara, Alanna, my mum and some adult friends but honestly i don't trust my friends because i have told them something before and the next day someone from a totally different year level knew and i had only told ONE person in my class.
My dad and my grandma! <3 Love them forever!
No anon ;) lol idk who u r!!! how should i no if we're friends?
Why does it matter to you anon? If it doesn't annoy me, it shouldn't annoy you. Also, if you really want to know, inbox me or say it to my face <3 ilys
Already done these about 2 minutes ago, but if you want them done again then yeah i will.
Kira- Really nice to me and very funny, awesome to be around Maddi- Very funny and nice as well, but always seems to catch me and ara doing something awkard/random.... Sophie- Don't really know her that much, but she seems nice Matt- Known him since Prep and we're friends, i guess, but yeah his funny but yeah it's just weird to be in his class again. Alex- Known him since Grade 2 but yeah same as Matt, awkward. Georgia- Wasn't really close friends with Georgia until this year, but yeah she's really nice and and funny too. Cheree-Ann- We don't talk much but we have alot in common and yeah, she's really nice and very funny too. Oliver- Met him in Grade 4 and he was really funny and nice, now his gotten a little awkarder than he was and can be a little creepy sometimes... Shae- Have been friends with Shae for a while, since we were in the same grade last year and when we did the school radio, but yeah really nice and funny and compliments people in the most random ways. I know they all pretty much say nice and funny but really almost everyone I know is nice and funny. If you want another TBH in more detail just send another question. :)
Lots of movies CBS listing them all.
Hey yeah we went to Frankston. I think hahaha everything's fine and the boat hasn't sunk yet hahaha yeah miss ya to! Will see you and everyone at the start of term 4.
I WILL MISS EVERYONE!!!! Won't be able to go online for awhile sadly but no matter what even if i don't tell you, I will miss you!
Hehehehe naww i feel special now!! Yeah i'm trying to do that stupid Ancient Leader presentation but i'm kinda failing! Lol! But yeah anytime, Alanna thats what great friends are for! ;)
Well it was Transition day and it was my first day going to Carrum Downs Primary School and i didn't know anyone. I became friends with the people i met, but no-one was really that close. Then this girl gave me a christmas card, at the time i didn't know who she was, and she was the only one from that school and well i didn't even know her! So i went looking for her for the next 2 years, and eventually in grade 5 we were in the same class and thats when we started getting close. Now we just do everything together and she is my bestfriend hopefully forever and always! I Love you!!! <3
Don't let 'you know who' intimidate you! It's ok to be embarrased! But don't let him have an affect on you because then he will know something is up. My advice is to next time you see him, just give him a friendly smile and pretend that everything is fine, or just don't make eye contact at all. Hopefully he didn't notice but will talk more tomorrow. Hopefully i can help better in person! Good luck!!! <3
Hmmmm Idek. I'll get back to you on that.
Hhahaha lol HI. Yeah i only go on when i'm bored with facebook or skype! :P
First i'd fly off of the top of the Eureka Skydeck, Then i'd make a bet to win a million dollars and become rich, Then i'd do a heap of other things that i can't think of at the moment.
I don't know but something really special to me, or my money. Not that i have alot ;)
Yes, yes i do. But not my favourite drink. :))))
Maddie- Out of the 3 i met you first and wasn't to keen on being friends with you, but then when i saw you again it was more of a joke than it had been the first time. Thats when i found you on facebook and skype and we actually started talking. Now i think your awesome and slightly creepy but damn right funny. Amelia- I haven't actually met you but i think we are the closest compared to maddie and billie. Your really funny and nice and a little more creepy than maddie but not a big difference. Billie- Well first of all I AM NOT A MAN! But yeah i met you with Maddie and same kind of story but once again now you constantly make me laugh and actually i think you would have to bo the creepiest person i have ever met in my entrie life! Don't take that as i bad thing. Creepy isn't always bad. Over all i want to see you all again sometime because believe it or not i do miss you. I hope we can get to hang out soem time :)
Hehehehe depends on who you are ;) Nah just kidding i won't stab anyone :D
Year 7 at Carrum Downs Secondary College :))))
Good personality, fun to be around and if their funny. Don't really care about looks. It's how they treat you that matters. <3