Uhm... me something like wow.. So.. Mmm you'll figure it out someday if you already did congratulation.
Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Kiss my balls!!
Morea of things which i aint tellin- she knows what i dearly love about her!
She lionize me 'lol sum new word i jst learnt' nah everything does imean she never seize to get boring full of surprises-
Rrrr... About me.. Everything is- family.. School.. My dearest relationship Which never seizes to get boring.. Actually everything: yep oh alcohol free 2weeks an days now yey!
I\'m so monumentally good at being sarcastic- but i want you to clearly understand me \"go **** yourself you idiot\"
Yeah thou she stays far- sadly say:( can't be with her whenever i want 2-
Shame i'm always right and i'm right about you bein a bad girl- if you weren't you wouldn't be GROUNDED!!
To you i look gay- i guy like me to you seems gay? Huh in that case you must be familiar with alota ugly people neh!
Its me lol **** you in a nice way- geez..
Lol thats th thing i'm always right-
I wat taught at an early age that doing something wrong won't bring you any good.. Yes i feel guilty actually scared of how my wrong doings will hunt me
I'd wish for th Lord to connect with me directly while i'm in earth breathin ze oxygen of his creation
I'm super awesome- lol, nah... I don't back down:) for anything.. I'm able to push my self to th last limite..
Like logon to your account an send a question with "info" so i can see who you are o easily just tell me your name- i'm confused now if you sobi o someone else?
Sobi.. I know its you asking this question- lol
Yes very much- she feels my heart with joy feel jubilant-when ever i think of her
This is so not cool who are you? Geez lol.
Who are you so i can specially deliver a kiss at your doorstep
Lol no ey see th questions they all crap- an its a hidden gene in my family it pops out whenever crap pops in
Who said i was pretty- idiot its not say what pleases you..
Yeah i JUST ****TED ON YOU!!
I'm a man..what do you mean she allows me to go out! Idiot.
Sweet lol no problem but you have to check in with my girlfriend before-
I'm kinda broad being travelling alot but i always end up going back to mpumalanga>nkomazi>block c>
La la la watch me dodge this question-:
hip hop baby catch me bored i'd be rollin with classic rnb
Congratulation!! You wrote my name very well..i bet no normal rude dude wud say that.
Nop not really i think i'v done it all have it all i'm still working on that--
Its something i can never explain comes naturally its hard being me hey-
If you reveal ya self maybe i'l think bout answering you correctly but i really mis my mom.
I mis my MOM..huh i wonder what she's doing now.
Lol okay yeah whatever anonymous we can even get married tomorrow if you like..
Agg wat th hell.. I drink 2much do hubble, how more pissed can she be.. Its "stkhoza"
Drunk o not i saw this question before...mmm when was it again,dang lost th date but i know i answered this question..
The moral correct answer to this is no.. Most people answer like this i don't know why cause its false statement thou it seems right
What th??? Are you asking me if 'm a bird o the weed is kicking with this beer am having?? Geez i really have to slow down
Is that a rhetorically question o you being sarcastically i'm confused??? Next question please
Yesterdays news.. New splash.... I'm tipsy now few cans leading to drunkness so mis hubble now!!
What th **** is wrong with you?
Hee anonymous nawe usahlanya..
I'll do that anonymous with pleasure...
Wow i didn't know Lol who cares!!
Anonymous known..unknow i only have one name for you \"sobahle\" okay i want to add..**** you 8 aswell.. Baby my
Ugmm geez man sorry i don't just give out my contacts
Lol i like kissing and its world kissing day so 1+1 ? 3
Th next personal question you ask include your information cause clearly you don't know me
Lol i respect my friends specially my best friend i wouldn't do such
No I'm actually I'm from block A lol yes block c
Lol call me I'll tell you hey.. Mina I'm out of
I'm back at vaal..who ya?
lol aowa its tshidiso ey it be written up in my profil
You are very much disturbed anonymous go to your parents an ask for a tissue afterwards go straight to th toilet
I'm turning this site to
Lol those ones are on everything i am
eish I might dump hubble bubble soon cause I'm deeply into her.
I'm dating two at th moment my lovely queen her and my sweet pie hubble bubble
Anonymous you are entitled mad reveal yourself I'll even give your th details how it happened lol.
I'm sure she is hottest girl ever.
Uhm this is a bit... Lol anonymous your questions are not progressive.
Wtf lol dude my €_¥&#_¥€#"&slash dong is off service in this site thank you for that question lmfao
lol anonymous reveal yourself who are you lol?? U ar very notty anonymous lol.
None i can think of in th moment already have someone who got it all.