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Sarah louise


Ask me anything you like anonymously

18 Replies

faaaaaaarrrrrrrr id be so embarrassed for your daughter/son :)) alannah.ormrodd

Why's that ? :))

S_cartledge replied 3150 days ago

Hun don't let anyone get to you because that what they want on thing my mum always said to me was they are just jealous because you have what they can't have Emzzy19

Thankyou xx

S_cartledge replied 3151 days ago

Being a month we myself I don't think you would be able to handle the responsibility of having a baby. They are a lot of work and the things you post on Facebook will get dhs involved and your baby probably taken away

My daughter is fine? I'm stable drug and violant free. I'll be able to cope :) I'm doing online learning getting a job in a month. My daughter has EVERYTHING she needs and I ain't even close to my due date. And dhs are leaving my baby's life in a few days after they do a bang report so beeline what you want :)

S_cartledge replied 3151 days ago

Be you Lee.On.Qooh


S_cartledge replied 3154 days ago 1

You are the one that needs to grow up, you have no means to support a child, you'll obviously be bludging off Centrelink or taking money from your parents... Children need mentally stable parents which isn't you when you post that you want to 'kill yourself.'

My child is well supported.
Take your name off anonymous if your not scared :p

S_cartledge replied 3154 days ago

Why are you having fights with people on Facebook you are pathetic! Mothers don't go around causing fights :')

Ain't causing fights in sticking up for myself there's a difference

S_cartledge replied 3154 days ago

i hear you like an*** and like your t*** being s*cked

Never tried an*** and actually hate my boo*s being touched but whatever floats your boat xx

S_cartledge replied 3154 days ago

What do you need to get off your chest?


S_cartledge replied 3154 days ago

If you love somebody so much but know deep down he will never make it official, do you stay just to still have him in some sort of way or would you walk away? It hurts so much!


S_cartledge replied 3154 days ago

You'll be a great mum, don't let anyone tell you different xx Chlozzaaalove

Thank you xx

S_cartledge replied 3154 days ago

If your baby turns out like you it will be fcked! You're the most disgusting little girl. You wouldn't know what a part time job is like let alone having a child! Good luck little girl!

Grow up

S_cartledge replied 3154 days ago

Thought's on cindle rose?

Pretty. nice, always has my back??
Miss her heaps, always here for her, her daughters a little cutie

S_cartledge replied 3154 days ago

Are you pregnant


S_cartledge replied 3154 days ago

Thoughts on Chloe Morris the fck slag

1) she ain't a slag ****.

2) she's attractive she's a close mate leave her the fck alone.

S_cartledge replied 3156 days ago

Tbh? dylaan.myerssss

Tbh, seem cool, attractive, should talk more, your nice, always got your back if you ever need, only a call or text away, should catch up one day soon, x

S_cartledge replied 3156 days ago