What is the dumbest thing you have done today?
What's one of the dumbest things you've heard someone say?
that japan is in africa ???
uhh u really cool and nice ??
This is not a question but a tip: You can put your qooh.me link on your 24hr whatsapp status to get more questions.
issa lit ting
Hey there ! Looking for some fun to get into? Me too! Let's get to know each other on a much more personal level joy18cutegirl.men amy8d883
Brag about yourself. What are you really good at doing?
soccer ?
Do you want to see me?:) alturl.com/5p72a courtneylb643
no u probably grak ?
Thoughts on Toni ??
Really funny girl ???
Thoughts on Tanika!???
really funny and cool girl ?
What thing did you do that ruined a relationship/s?