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Seems like a nice guy, haven't spoken but
Nothing special really, was an alright night :)
Can't remember :)))
He's good hahaha
How do they go down the side LMAO
He's funny as :)
He's cute! Should talk more but x
Yeah he's my brother
Who's this? Hahaha
What about himmmmm
Aw thank you!
As long as possibleee
Sure hun
Haha aw thanks :)
Such a nice guy! Don't really talk but
Tas and Ali are probably the only ones hahah
Hardly speak but he seems nice and funny!
Didn't do anything crazy!
He's cute! Seems nice but haven't spoken
Can't think of one atm
A lot of thingsss
Getting hurt by the people I love
Brae, Jordyn, Mikayla, Georgia, Aleyna
Idk I like talking to a lot of people :)
Probably Cody
He seems really nice and funny but don't really talk
Hmm probably Berthold, Tas and Ali
He's nice and funny, hardly speak though!
Don't have a favourite!
Love them equallyyy