Would you rather eat a plate of caterpillars or drink a maggot smoothie?? You must choose!
But I don't want to choose.
Do you ever feel depressed? Why??
Personal reasons.
What does your name mean??
What's the dumbest rumour you've ever heard about yourself?
I'm pregnant
How did u and mihad break up??
Its kinda non of your business
Do you think Mihads new gf pretty?
I think everyone is pretty
Are you jealous the mihad had a prettier gf than u??
Nope lol
I hope u will remember me..
I hope I will too
Was mihad the hoe in the relationship or were you?
Who said there was a hoe in our relationship?
btch who do u love?
My momma
Was mihad your first real boyfriend??
Out of 3 of your cousins who will u choose??
Cape Town or Jo'burg?? And why??
Cape Town. Its beautiful
Do u like ur family??
Do u catch feelings??
What are thooooosssseeeee?
Any advice for people depressed over friends??
Friends ain't sht
Are u dating anyone right now??
Do you regard yourself as pretty or good looking ?
None of the above
You can do betta?
I don't know what you mean lol
how does it feel to be the hottest person mihad has been with ?
Is this suppose to be a compliment?
are you from Tennessee ?because you're the only ten I see S
Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ❤❤
Can I put a finger in your hole ?
first have this middle finger boy.
Who's ur best friend?? ??
B- raw ??
What do U think of mihad me friend Shakeel??
Do u still like mihad?
lol who?
Don't come and tell me I am a btch u a btch
Thanks boo❤
Would u rather go to gold reef city or ratings junction??
Ratanga Junction
Why don't we talk anymore??
Idk. Message me
Miss u lots boo boo!!
Probs miss you too ❤❤
How u doing??
Goooood thanks ?
What u doing??
Who was your first crush ?
Goku ??