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Sage vallese


Ask me anything you like and I'll shout you a free Maccas water xx

503 Replies

Hottest year 9's


Sagevallese replied 3593 days ago

Girls with best as* yr9


Sagevallese replied 3593 days ago

Hottest yr 8s??

Jade, kat

Sagevallese replied 3594 days ago

Thoughts on me? Xx sarbear2290

Your so hotttt, really nice, funny and you have a good body xx

Sagevallese replied 3712 days ago

thoughts? xx Maddi.lea

Maddi! You really hot and nice, you have an amazing personality and your good to talk to! Your funny, cute and you have an amazing body ! xx

Sagevallese replied 3712 days ago 1

Thoughts on Natasha Emsovska?

She's nice, really funny and cute :)

Sagevallese replied 3717 days ago

Thoughts on Courtney :)

She's 12 <3

Sagevallese replied 3721 days ago

If you could delete one thing from this earth what could it be?


Sagevallese replied 3723 days ago

hahaha thanks sage! :)) melissaeleni

No worries

Sagevallese replied 3724 days ago

thoughts sagee xx melissaeleni

Melissa! Your so hot and nice :) your really funny and you have a good personality! Your good to hang around and talk to! Your cute and you have a mint body xx

Sagevallese replied 3724 days ago 1

Daniella p, Jamie m, Fiona k, Emma d, Zara i, andrijana g, natasha e, Amelia g, Bianca m, Ellie c ?

Yes! , yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yes!! , yeah, no, no!! Yeah

Sagevallese replied 3730 days ago

who are the top ten hottest girls from SMC in year 9 ??

Give me names and I'll say if there hot

Sagevallese replied 3730 days ago

Why do those f***** boys sage you have buck teeth what arseholes ?

Aha nah we all joke we all tease each other

Sagevallese replied 3737 days ago

Hottest girl in your homeroom?
And would you date:
Alyssa Agosta

Courtney No No Yes No No No No Yes Yes Probably Yeah maybe

Sagevallese replied 3737 days ago

Thoughts Kirsten.Barnesxox

Your hottt, good to talk to, so nice, cute, funny, good personality and body :) x

Sagevallese replied 3738 days ago